2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

Munster is like the Senior A hurling in the Limerick Senior hurling championship. Leinster is Senior B and the Joe McDonagh is Premier Intermediate.

I wont be venturing out there tonight. I will be pouring myself a very large whiskey at 9.30 and watching tsg


Making my way back down to Waterford here at the moment. Kilkenny fans 2023 are more like Waterford or Wexford fans. Going along hoping for the best, fearing the worst. That old swagger and aura is long gone. A sorry looking rabble of a defeated army at the service station in Kilcullen.

Shane ā€œSaintā€ let the mask slipšŸ˜‚ You wouldnā€™t get that kind of cheek from Verney.

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Verney seems like an alright sort when he appears on the Wexford Hurling Podcast. One of those giddy boggers thatā€™s pretty sound at the same time.



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@admins - Should the @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy be worried here?


Heā€™s only looking to generate a response. Fairly bottom of the barrel stuff

Dare I say, thatā€™s a bit of a Peavoyish effort from the RTE online chap.


Some very harsh 6s in there. Dan Morrissey was immaculate at full back


If the hipster fella who wrote that did a random number generator for those player ratings heā€™d have done it more justice than what he posted there. Useless.



Why does Kinnerk not branch out for a managerial role himself? Heā€™s obviously an exceptional coach but must be very humble because heā€™s essentially hiding away in the background when it comes to receiving the praise. I suppose itā€™s difficult to leave such a perfect concoction of circumstances like Limerick hurling right now. Heā€™s surely an exceptional communicator too though given his extensive education and teaching background.

Not pertinent to the point but heā€™s basically brother in law with Sean Finn isnā€™t he?

Woeful effort at the ratings reallyā€¦lawlor got 6 despite doing as well on Gillane as could be expected and Reid gets a 7 and he a million miles below his own standards.


Well by fuck I never said that. I knew when I saw them in the flesh in the 2018 semi that kinnerk had cracked hurling and I texted two friends that night and said limerick will beat us and will dominate hurling for years. Theyā€™ve both mentioned it to me recently. Itā€™s the patience and the use of space. And lads think that an over the hill Kilkenny team or average galway team just digging deep and trying hard can beat that?

It takes the vision to write off the next year or two and try develop the right type of hurler. They basically need to have an excellent physical attribute, speed, strength, height, aggression or preferably a combo and then make them hurlers in that system. Thats not saying limerick are drones but they fit a blueprint. They have to stand out some way and then good coaching brings them on.

Kilkenny looking at a fallow period, tipp too. Cork in the doldrums. The home of hurling is limerick Clare and galway now for next while. As the lord intended.

Would you want the hassle? Dealing with the media etc etc non stop.

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Iā€™d say he just hates that media shite.

Remember he was hired before Kiely. He knows that too. With Davy before and Kiely now two buffoons essentially have built reputations on the back of his work. The fact that doesnā€™t seem to bother kinnerk is especially frightening. The only thing is his coaching must be exerting. Will he continue forever, no. But will for a few years.

I remember watching Clare in 2013 and saying to a Clare man I was sitting beside Jesus they respond to Davy anyway and he said you must be joking, itā€™s all Kinnerk.

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Lads just dont get that management and coaching are two totally different jobs.


I feel bad for punching him in the face