2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

Exactly. Iā€™d be like that (i donā€™t mean at that level) but I way prefer to take on a coaching role than a manager role.


Heā€™s a coach.

Managers donā€™t coach, they manage. He wouldnā€™t be very good at that, Kiely is a brilliant manager and Kinnerk is an unbelievable coach. From anything Iā€™ve ever heard from him, he really enjoys the coaching aspect.


Eamon Oā€™Shea likes this post


I love planning sessions. I absolutely hate the texting back and forth and molly coddling lads and listening to excuses that clearly donā€™t match up with Instagram. I asked Brendan Cummins last year how he found managing tipp u20s. He said it was just a people management job and more than he realised he was signing up for. Said he hadnā€™t run a session all year and he really missed that.


Heā€™s meticulous in his prep and patient. If I were you Iā€™d watch my back that episodes not finished yet.

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Heā€™s a hard cunt.

We played their Junior Bs last year, he was full-back and one of our young fellas was running through on goal and was going to go past and set up a goal, Ciaran absolutely poleaxed him.

Probably should have been a red but prevented a goal and they got a draw, so job done.


Eamon Oā€™Shea is probably the only coach with the intellect that matches up to Kinnerk at this level. There was a good piece on OTB despite Ger Gilroy presenting and it seemed he still had a few ideas on how heā€™d take them on.

He was a great admirer of this team but like myself and many others have said, its not exactly the most exciting.

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some good news

Amy Molloy on Twitter: ā€œThoughts with the dozens of fans who are going to return to their cars in Drumcondra after the match to a nasty little fine :grimacing: https://t.co/NPhCTUVyPTā€ / Twitter

Oh absolutely. Two different roles. I wonder how much input he has into team selections? Even from the point of view of financial remunerations, Iā€™d imagine a manager receives considerably more than the coach. Iā€™ll be very interested to see what direction his coaching career takes when he eventually steps aside in Limerick.

Iā€™d say it didnā€™t really.

My understanding is that he, and all the selectors, would have fairly significant input into all the team selections but obviously the final call stays with Kiely in the end. But everyone can argue their case and gives their input and the vast majority would be done by consensus.

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Thatā€™s grand but going by tv, mid game theres only one voice Kiely is listening to

Whoā€™ll win MOTM

  • Casey
  • Byrnes
  • Lynch
  • Hayes
  • Morrissey
  • Nash
  • Other
0 voters

Seanie Oā€™Donnell? :smiley:

No Finn, No Hannon, No problem


Would that be the case.

I think that might be the greatest second half performance of all time.
I would never have put this team in the GOAT category because until you win 4 in a row you canā€™t be up there with teams who have won 4 in a row. But they have now. And they are the greatest team of all time.


I think they have a very set routine on matchdays by now, Kinnerk is the only selector on the line with Kiely so any other contributions go through him.

Seanie used to be micā€™d up to Cunningham, I think and that would be passed to Kinnerk then.

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Do Tipp lads think they own the patent on good hurling?

Thought Lynch kept us in the game. Byrne hauled us back into it. And Casey finished it. Casey had a 30 minute spell like youā€™d never see in your life.

If you said to KK before hand that Gillane, Flanagan and Morrissey would be somewhat held. Theyā€™d have bitten your hand off. But thereā€™s always someone pops up.

Delighted for David Reidy in particular. He was a sub in 2013 and heā€™s still at it, with no great thanks. His block/foul at the end. Phenomenal tracked all the way back for it