2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

I wonder in five years will @thelimericks be slating John Kiely, the man who presided over unprecedented success, as the one responsible for all their ills?


The development system served its purpose well in the noughties - new approach needed now maybe.
Mick Fennelly on the face of it and with the work he did with Offaly should be a good appointment.

Being a grown up is scary sometimes

And Gillane wasnā€™t even good enough to come on.

Part of the problem was no natural full-back or centre-back, and we were ruthlessly exposed by Kilkenny.

3 years later at U-21, you had Kyle at 6 and Fanning as a more natural 3.


Shut up, you fuckinā€™ clown. You know nothing about anything and less than nothing about hurling. You hang around here, trying to pick up stuff and messaging people who have no interest in you, like a spotty teenager hanging around some Lovers Lane, trying to glean the facts of life.

I suppose the craving for my attention amuses some people. I find it dire and tedious.

You are lucky.

Yes, we are all hoping this development will mark a turning point.

Mick Fennelly didnā€™t do anything to write home about in Offalyā€¦ I donā€™t think he had anything to do with underage and his senior team underperformed in bigger games (even taking account of the lack of talent he had at his disposal). Saying that, I think he could be more suited to his new role in Kilkenny than senior team management.

Well thatā€™s probably a by product of 15 years of unprecedented success; the eye can be taken off the ball at juvenile levels and the appetite for change and innovation wouldnā€™t be as strong because there is a whole 'if it ainā€™t broke, donā€™t fix it" mentality prevailing.

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Iā€™d worry heā€™s a bit of a Jason Forde or Evan Niland at the highest level. Great in the league and early championship but a step below when it matters. I hope Iā€™m wrong and he should certainly get a few opportunities in the coming years.

Weā€™ll absolutely need a reliable free taker when TJ is gone, and he certainly looks like that but you donā€™t want to be carrying him either at the business end.

Straight in with the over the top personal attacks. Youā€™re a small and classless man.

You would know all about personal attacks, you creep.

Nodding dogs are bad enough. Slavering dogs, mad for a bit of attention, are even worse.

Now fuck off.

You might be right, alas. But he needs to be given plenty of airtime in the meantime.

Tom Phelanā€™s ability to compete in the air, whatever his stickwork, means he needs to be given airtime as well.

True points. Maybe eyes taken off ball after great success is sort of inevitable ā€“ but a frustrating process to watch.

This is a point i havent seen many people looking at before. Itā€™s mad how thereā€™s been nothing about it before, he clearly holds the ball on the hurley for too long before striking it.

If it was an u12 doing it it would be picked up by the referee and he wouldnā€™t be allowed to do it.


Iā€™ve had this conversation with a few lads this year. I donā€™t actually think thereā€™s anything wrong with what Byrnes does. Thereā€™s nothing clear cut in the rules

Your issue with Cody is Comical on about Cody making a show of himself on the sideline and Henry like a petulant child throwing tantrums at the referee in every game but sure he is a Shamrock shake of Ballyhale so birds of a feather.

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Because itā€™s not actually an issue. The conversation was had with DJ Careyā€™s style 25 years ago.


Tommy Dunne was doing it twenty years ago. Thereā€™s many more freetakers going back a long number of years balanced the ball on the hurley for twice as long.

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But but but thelimericks!