2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

Id say Tipp put as much on them in 2019 in the second half.

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In the same way the lads operating Hawkeye alert the ref to an umpire error, you could have a few lads with access to replays and slowmos and if a score contained a thrown handpass in the leadup then they would similarly alert the ref.

Worked for Hannon. Eventually

Maybe. Full team fully fit and rested, maybe not.

Darragh O’Donovan seems like a right character.


If say at least five and probably a few more of that Limerick team are millennial picks.

We need a grievance

Galway must have been close in the 2012 Leinster final first half?

Jesus the Bull O’ Brien is a big chap for an 18 year old. Darragh appeared to be drinking Blue WKD there. Great bants.

His father is Clare S+C coach

episode 8 child GIF

Kilkenny led Waterford by 7 points at half time in the 2020 semi final and lost by 4.

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It stood out like a sore thumb. A boy going in against men

When I was about 4 and from then on, the highlight of my trips to Oola was bringing the basket and the shopping list down to Darragh O’Donovan’s father in the shop.

Proud isn’t the word. Amazing stuff. Best wishes to all.


Any team without Hayes and Hickey is out imo

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Fair interesting comparison. TM is probably the best club forward in Limerick and better athlete, but the KK man was deffo the tighter hurler skills wise. Oooft, both men workng forwards that led attacks, purists will say KK but if you’d youre money down…,TM, is nearly unbeaten when it gets really serious.

Even Sunday, Limerick had established when he went. County prob doesn’t do justice to the dominant hurler he is.





Power is probably the greatest balancer of any attack. All the hurling and a threat into space. Him and probably Corbett the only two I can think of that way. I’d say the next big thing in hurling could be play up the sidelines off puck outs and overloads off puck outs. Lads like TJ will be unicorns as they say in basketball.

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That 08’ KK team was the best for me. Uneducated (lads who knew fuckall about hurling)bookies stood huge money at the Galway races on Waterford, and faced them again on the day…off names really…you’d actually love those times again, KK, Waterford, Cork with huge name players then. We need a bit of that back.

Prime Tommy Walsh is the best hurler I ever saw. Wingback, wingforward whatever, dominant. Elite first touch and footspeed. To the best of my recollection I don’t think we got it mano au mano, but Ollie Moran v Tommy Walsh would’ve been cool as fuck.

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I’ll add another and I believe this will fall into the blue murder category when enforced.

Keepers taking short puck out to defender inside 21. Might be fractionally inside. Still a foul. You see it a couple a times per game these days and when it’s actually called expect a meltdown.

I’m also awaiting a tactical innovation where the full back takes the puck out to the goalie inside the 21. Much like you see in soccer. I think the rules are ambiguous enough to allow this.

Rule 2.6

When the ball is played over the endline by the team attacking that end or after a score, play is restarted by a puck-out from within the small rectangle.
The player taking a puck-out shall take the ball into his hand, but should he miss his stroke, the ball may be struck on the ground or may be raised with and struck with the hurley, but not taken into his hand again before striking it. The player taking the puck-out may strike the ball more than once before another player touches it.
All players shall be outside the 20m line until the ball has been struck except the goalkeeper and the player taking the puck-out - if other than the goalkeeper. The ball shall travel 13m before being played by another player of the defending team.

So by my reading of that, a full back can stand at one corner of the small rectangle and hit it 13m laterally to his goalie and a legal puck out has taken place. All the while, other players must be outside the 21. I’ve asked a couple of refs about this and they were split on what they’d do in such a situation. One said what I described was a foul. One said what I described isn’t a foul as the rules are written.