2023 All Ireland Hurling Championship

It will stand to Limerick long term,the way they can afford to slowly embed O Neill, English etc.

If they were from most other counties, they would be starting with huge expectations. That could backfire.


It happened long enough with Limerick. Young lads thrown in and expected to carry the team as young fellas.

Kiely and Kinnerk are just unreal. They inevitably know when to introduce these lads, even giving guys a league game or sub appearances here and there to gently ease them in.


You could sense the head was gone just as HT approached and it touch & go he could settle the team for what lay ahead.

Passion & emotion is good at times but not when the tide is turning against you and cool heads needed.

Maybe he learn from it.

Sheedy & O’Shea is interesting for Galway. The natives mightn’t like it but it could work.

I can’t think of many generational teams who over the lifespan of those teams slowly integrated players and those players went on to become key pillars who kept those teams at the top after the generational players had departed.

The ones I can think of are TJ Reid/Richie Hogan/Michael Fennelly in Kilkenny.

I can’t think of a county outside the big three in hurling/big two in football doing it. Kerry themselves couldn’t do it in football when the golden years team grew old. They tried to integrate John Kennedy/Timmy Dowd/Willie Maher/Michael McAuliffe to be the next generation that would keep the show on the road but it didn’t work.

With Dublin, the team which made the breakthrough in 2011 was doing it almost ahead of schedule, with a crop of generational players about to break through but not yet there. Generational players tend to announce themselves very quickly, rather than be slowly integrated. With Dublin, McCaffrey, Mannion, Kilkenny, Cooper, Fenton, O’Callaghan and Howard all announced themselves as key pillars very quickly. Only John Small and Dean Rock were more slowly integrated.

Limerick, like all generational teams, are built on about nine or ten key pillars. You can take two or three pillars out and get by but once you go beyond that it gets difficult.

I was watching in the Davin upper and it gave a great view of the Galway forward movement, we struggled on the left flank with movement and handed up two scores on a plate with nobody there to track.

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Throwing Joseph Cooney up into the forwards (bringing in Fintan Burke for Cianan Fahy) for the last few minutes was vintage Junior B level management.

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Sheedy would hardly take it?

At one stage the ref looks like he’s playing advantage to daithi Burke and Peter Casey gets the ball off him and pops it over the bar but the ref done nothing about it.

This ref seems to do an awful lot of hand pointing for no reason.


Money would talk there. Distance not a big issue either & Eamon should have a good knowledge of the club scene up there too.

Players are there but there doesn’t seem to be a proper game-plan or structure to their game like they had under MOD for example.

Trouble Galway have is the young lads with the skillset don’t have the size it seems. You need both to take on Limerick. A bit of cute dirt needed also.
Curate’s egg of a season.


He has to be the thickest cunt of a pundit there is.

Does he really need to be explained how stupid that statement is?
6 players ln the starting team yesterday from that team 6 years ago. A completely different team.

He is the perfect summation on why I usually don’t watch The Sunday Game. The insight on this forum is genuinely far superior.


O’Neill is inevitable unfortunately. He will destroy all around him in a few years. What a player

Galway are like Tipp and most counties really. The players aren’t there. They have 7 or 8 and that’s about it.


I was sure he would blow for a free in when Gillane scored the first goal.

I think Cahill was happy enough to train the fuck of Tipp this year and see how they handled it.

Older lads will walk away or just get the hint now.

Younger lads will either buy in fully or walk too.

Either way, it’s a clean slate for Cahill & Bevans to work with going forward.

Some level of seethe around. I love tweets like “Limerick are a great team but…”

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Was going to try to explain what nonsense he was talking about. But you nailed it in one in fairness. We were one of the best teams in the Country in 2017 and had been building a head of steam for a few years prior.

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I think Tyrell is having a pop off Shefflin more than anything

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Gave Limerick a game of it in 2018, 20 and 22 as well tbf unlike most counties.

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