2023 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Yes he should

KK really struggling on puckouts

Clare getting no luck

Lyon’s not having a great few minutes here.

Whistle was clearly blown and play had stopped


Real game now

Still no Kilkenny yellow

Kilkenny still in the dressing room

Stupid foul

This is tremendous stuff

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It’s turning

Darragh calls Tony Kelly “TK”

A decent chance a good row could erupt in next few minutes


If Clare can keep the heads they’ll win this

Le cunamh Dé

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Wan point game. Clare outstandng in this half

Best Game of the summer by a distance

A draw and extra time would be ideal.

Unbelievable from Blanchfield :clap:

Tackles flying in everywhere

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Clare are doing too much running, they need more hurling

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That was a great passage of play. Fire and brimstone everywhere