2023 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Some great defending on show

Lohan could kill the referee

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Lohan is seething

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This is old school hurling at its best

This is mighty now

Just a shame the ref won’t give Clare a fair shot

It’s a pity SOD is so limited striking wise.

McInerney has been huge on the breaking ball second half

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Wipeout on puck outs

Shane O’Donnell would be the best in the country if he had elite striking.

YHOTY in waiting

You can hear the banner roar in New York

Phelan had to control that, Mullen nailed Conlon

That’s hurling

Ryan took a fair few steps there.

Now though

A very beautiful Irish woman there *.

  • She looked like shrek.

Great score from Galvin. Midfield an absolute warzone but KK not looking like making any progress forward

Clare Clare Clare

He has everything else and oodles of heart.

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Ref leveelling it up a bit

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Now so

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