2023 All Ireland Hurling Championship


“ The decision on the goal, the frontal charge on Conlan a clear yellow and no sanction, the ghost free against TK, the ghost free to TJ at the endline, all jump mind. There were a few more. “

The above is clear rambling and to say Lyons rode Clare is beyond bizarre.

  • decision on goal was advantage over, Cody instance was different as he was in control of ball throughout. Duggan took a shot, it dropped short & opposition were first to it.

  • there were numerous body checks in the game

  • Tony Kelly free was soft & an error

  • Reid felt the challenge & took advantage. Kind of like Peter Casey holding a defenders hurl to deceive the referee.

To say Lyons rode Clare was the comment of a simpleton.


Filthy good.

Why didn’t you just reply the first time instead of posting a number of pointless inane responses until @Bandage led you by the hand to it?

I was looking for those 4 instances of being Rode you silly man. Still haven’t found them

His arguments are pathetic.
Of course every manager is going to check his goalies eyesight…

I’d say its fairly evident in training whether or not the goalie can see

The percentages man, the small percentages.

I’d have been getting his eyes checked after the sliotar hopped over his hurl a few years ago.

I joined here last week and have never interacted with you, but I’m the oddball. Dumb Tipp cunt.
Don’t fuckin @ me again whoever you are supposed to be, Typical tipp pussy behavior.


Was Cody sending his goalies to specsavers every year?

Would you go away and boil your head

This is the momentum and boost we needed around here to carry us to the 4 in a row :clap:


Big shoutout to @endakenny and any other rattled Tipp pussies in here


This fella has taken like a duck to water. Only pity is his arrival is this late in the c’ship

Tipp should keep their white noise out of Championship threads, has beens

Ah, stop will you. I did it with an U16 player one year.
I knew by the way he had gone backwards that something wasn’t right.

You put Vera Pauw in the ha’penny place

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I think you might be blind.

I’ve heard it all now

The season ticket tickets for the All Ireland are awful, the KK ones anyway, sections 302, 309, some 304.
This has further devalued them

Limerick probably much the same. I got 309.

I got Limerick season ticket seat in 309. I know another person in 309. I know a couple in 305 ans 1 person in 301