2023 All Ireland Senior Football Championship



Have ye no one ye could let out of jail to play?

If you saw the utterly shameful display Gough did against Glen when they played the Galway Champions in the AI SF you wouldn’t be laughing. He can’t keep his biases away from Ulster counties and seeing him reffing a Tyrone game is like Tyrone starting with a -5 handicap.

Typical Nordie, with their ‘all out to get us’ attitude. Yere filthy, as are Armagh and refs have a job to do.

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Typical Southerner cheating attitude. Afraid of a fair fight so trying and sully your opponents name so you can get advantages.

Anyway you can’t always rely on David Gough to help ye out.

It’s an odd one alright.

If ye want to box, we’ll box but it’ll be in a ring. When we play football, we play it right and we play it well. If ye came and played football, we’d beat ye a point a man and ye know it.

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You’ll only box when the referee tells you he’ll intervene in your favour when you’re in bother.

That’s the sort of misplaced arrogance that has had Galway way off an All Ireland for the past 20 years.

Border poll. Border poll.

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Time to rid the two rotten states of the sectarianism and corruption that have blighted both and create a new one where equality is the key.

We’ve a great country. Sure you moved here!

Sure I only moved over the road.

There are more than 2 counties in Ulster.
But I see Saturday that Tyrone got 7 of their 13 points from frees, Galway 4 of their 16 from frees. It seems its not enough for Gough to be awarding all these frees, Tyrone will only be happy once he starts kicking them over himself as well.


Tyrone and other Ulster counties I might add would just be happy if Gough started reffing games fairly rather than trying to make games all about himself.

I’d say that is true for all counties, not just Ulster ones. But to be complaining about a referee on a day when over 50% of yer scores came from frees, and just 25% of the oppositions, is a sign of desperation.


I think it showed that Galway were a lot more cynical, there were countless no of body checks ignored by Gough that should have resulted in black cards, it happened all game.

On the other side of it, Morgan was black carded for something I’ve never seen anyone black carded for before. Burns was sent off for something you regularly see go unpunished. There was an identical incident in the Tyrone Monaghan minor game at the weekend that went without a red card. Ulster teams quite rightly have a major issue with Gough and his two sided refereeing. The Glen semi final last year was beyond disgraceful and I said at the time there should have been something done by the Ulster Council.

There are lots of bad refs out there but there are a handful with a severe agenda against Tyrone - Gough, McQuillan and Coldrick are the ones I dread to see coming up with any Tyrone game - they have a very clear agenda against us.

Once Tyrone went down to 13 men, they flipped the switch and went into kill game mode. They never came out of it. It was a damage limitation and an attempt to see what they could sneak at the end if close enough. Galway adapted and in reality had them at arms length.


That just confirms that Gough is a better referee than many others out there. Any referee that fails to show a red card for that type of filth shouldn’t be let near a pitch.


No it confirms he has an agenda. He will get plenty of backchat in a game, he will allow plenty of dangerous front on shoulders go, he will pull up plenty of body checks with black cards but he will be influenced not by consistent standards or the rules, instead he will influenced by the geographic nature of the teams involved.

That is why any Ulster county should have severe reservations about seeing him take a game.

PS what’s the story with Brannigan? Has he left the county panel after his latest incident?

You might have more of an argument if you weren’t criticising Gough for a decision you agree was correct, and on a day when he handed ye some woefully soft decisions to keep the game some bit competitive.
I wasn’t in Thurles yesterday as I was coaching underage here but Branagan was named on the bench I’m sure, that incident was only against Carryduff so unlikely to have any real knock on effects. I notice McAvoy wasn’t there yesterday though and there were a few other Kilcoo fellas absent - they have shown they are no better than what Down were working with from other clubs anyway. It will be Burren footballers, rather than Kilcoo apes, who will revive Down football.