2023 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

how can I answer something that didnā€™t happen ?

itā€™s a ridiculous hypothetical scenario that youā€™ve made in your own head to justify a prejudice you think exists.

I donā€™t think that prejudice exists, so I think the outcome would be the same.

You could have a ref on each line of the field, but until they are rewarded for calling fouls instead of being criticised for it then itā€™s a waste of time. Some of the worst decisions are happening when they are 20 yards from the play, another ref 100 yards away isnā€™t going to solve them problems.

A few lads a bit sore lashing out

sure what do you want so ? Send out the two freetakers and a goalie and let them have a free taking contest? thereā€™s already upwards of 30/40 frees a game.

Fair play to Benny but it might be better coming from someone who has actually played the game to a high level though.

Fouls to be called consistently. Iā€™d rather a season of shite games decided by freetakers than a sport where lads like Screeney have no business on a hurling field. Iā€™d be fairly confident that if fouls were being called consistently players would be smart enough to change their approach fairly quickly.


Benny has helpfully provided a video which isnā€™t showing here.

Yes I saw and he is right but as a keeper lads will no doubt wonder what heā€™d actually know about the game of football

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again youā€™re basing your argument off a hypothetical. Someone said Screeney has no business on a hurling field so you think the game should be officiated completely differently

Screeney will be a superb senior inter county hurler for Offaly

I really hope you are right, but iv not spoken to anyone who agrees with your assessment assuming that Offaly get back competing at McCarthy level.

do these lads assume heā€™ll not go in the gym and get himself in the condition required to play sports at the highest level?

I reckon heā€™ll be similar in stature to Graeme Mulcahy when he fills out. Graeme has had a nice go at it

Hypothetical situations are off limits now? Snowflake

just ridiculous ones.

If Limerick were good at football and their goalie didnā€™t foul the forward, I donā€™t think the referee would have given a free in either

How many years of gym work do you think he needs to be at the level required?

Screeney will be picked up by the oppositions tightest marker, and the full focus of the opponents defensive strategy will be on stopping him, itā€™s how the games best attackers have always been dealt with. Graeme has never had to worry about any of that.
I was at 1 hurling semifinal this year and 1 football semifinal, the difference in refereeing standards was stark. Iā€™d an ape behind me roaring ā€˜itā€™s a manā€™s gameā€™ throughout the hurling. Football has got itā€™s house in order, hurling will have to face up to it as well.

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Is Screeney only 17 or 18. He has about 3 or 4 years natural filling out to do and conditioning to put in yet before heā€™ll be physically capabale. But he has the brains and wrists to be effective before then.

Heā€™s a hardy hoor too.

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Ciaran gets it

Screeney will be a brilliant intercounty hurler, I wouldnā€™t worry about that.

As for the reffing; as long as itā€™s consistent, teams donā€™t mind. Itā€™s the inconsistency of approach within a game that really frustrates teams.

I do think the GAA should do more to help referees; there are rules in hurling that could be tweaked to make it a lot easier for referees in both codes. I feel like a lot of them come back to steps, though. With everything else, itā€™s quite difficult for refs to count steps and a lot of the tackling issues stem from that too.

Definitely should be a time related rule in relation to possession, rather than steps. Can have possession for no more than than three or four seconds before playing the ball etc.

Thatā€™s due to poor coaching. In no other sport would the volume and frequency of fouling be accepted.

It started about a decade ago in hurling. Where everybody is so manly the ref shouldnā€™t give any frees.

If the players stopped fouling the ref wouldnā€™t have to call them.

I really hope you are right, but considering on here some of Gearoid Hegartys quieter performances have been put down to the fact he hasnā€™t got adequate protection from referees I not sure how you can have such faith in Screeneys future.
Clifford is the most important footballer of the last 50 years because of the impact he is having on young fellas, and he came along when football desperately needed a player like him. Screeney can be the hurling equivalent, but the way the game is currently refereed is a huge risk to him ever having an impact.