2023 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

A denial would be the first thing youā€™d do ffs.

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Usually ahead of Ulster finals I imagine them being played in the dead heat of summer, but I only imagine this one being played in pissing rain.

Derry tend to bring the rain to Ulster finals.

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Rory seems to think he has no case to answer here.

That seems to be the route heā€™s gone alright, pointing to the custody case as his reference for the allegations having no foundation.

We could do with a once sports writer of the year to clear things up for us

If I was innocent of those type of allegations a denial would be the first thing Iā€™d be doing. It could easily be done without descending into a slagging match.

"Allegations against me have been investigated and dealt with by the relevant authorities and proven to be untrueā€

The GAA badly needs a Paddy Cosgrave type character to keep stirring the pot here and slowly crank up the heat on Derry.

Is that more or less not what was implied?

How do you prove them to be untrue btw? All that can be proven is they either happened or there was nothing to corroborate the allegations.

Thereā€™s so much a lot of us donā€™t know. Derry are stuck right in the middle of a domestic shitstorm right now. I would take that statement as a denial of the allegations.

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Youā€™re some man to be going to bat for Gallagher. There canā€™t be many of you out there today Iā€™d say

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ā€œDealt withā€ is very open ended. Iā€™d be leaving no ambiguity

The statement was issued by a solicitor too.

Anything to be said for a press conference ahead of the game? Geezer on one side, Rory on the other. We can put to bed all these allegations about high jinks in both camps.

Dealt with means addressed and he referenced the fact the hearing concluded with him getting custody of the children.

Do you think custody would have been granted to a father if they felt it was credible he had in the past committed serious offences of domestic violence. We donā€™t know the full ins and outs of it but it would be if Gallagherā€™s statement is correct, these allegations have been addressed in the custody hearings.

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Rory needs to do a hastily arranged GAA Social podcast with Thomas Niblock and Oisin McConville before Sunday to answer some important questions.

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Gordon Elliott set a high bar for releasing statements. Remember his first one was he was just tired.

Poor aul Louth getting dragged into it now. Classic Dublin tactics.

For a start - itā€™s utterly unclear if accusations of domestic violence were brought up in a custody hearing.

Secondly, I have no idea if accusations alone, in the absence of convictions, would impact upon it.

It strikes me that itā€™s a very carefully put together statement and should be considered as such and no more.


No statement yet from Derry GAA county board.