2023 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

They may need to expand on that you’d think.

I reckon that just about covers all they want to say.

That’s pure speculation, they may not have been.

A very carefully put together statement, issued and presumably drafted by a solicitor. They must be a very poor solicitor if they simply overlooked to deny the allegations.

They most certainly would have been. I mentioned before, and the statement alludes to it, that he was questioned by the PSNI 18 months ago. That ensures it would have been front and centre in the custody hearings.

You’d imagine he’ll step away at the team meeting tonight.

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They’ll surely be able to issue a clarification statement denying all allegations if it slipped their mind.

We don’t know that, correct. In the statement released by Gallagher he does say.

“Allegations against me have been investigated and dealt with by the relevant authorities."

I can’t see how these allegations would not be pertinent to a custody case and I can’t see how custody would be granted to him if they believed they were credible.

We don’t know what was heard and what was not but we can reasonably conclude that no charges or convictions were made against Gallagher.

Again, neither of us know, but I’m sure when it’s the care of a child such accusations would be treated with the utmost seriousness and investigated fully.

I’m sure it is but the elephant in the room is that if these allegations have been given due process (as claimed), how could Gallagher have got custody of the children? The Clones incident should be pretty easily corroborated by her friend who jumped on Gallagher that night to stop him and her admission to hospital in Monaghan. That would surely have a massive bearing on proceedings?

If ye wanna box we’ll box

Please do not misrepresent my position again with partial quotes. We don’t know if they were or not but if Gallagher’s statement is correct (as I explicitly stated) it is reasonable to gather that these allegations were addressed in it.

What does Gallagher do for a living? I know he used to run the SuperValu but whats his day job now?

Works in recruitment now in Belfast.

I haven’t batted for him or against him, and i haven’t or wouldn’t say a word against her. And you’re right, there aren’t many with commonsense


Be nice to think that the wife can put that period of her life behind her and find peace again. Whatever did or did not happen it can’t be easy on the kids

No it isn’t. You’re speculating they were brought up in the custody hearings. They may not have been.

Not nitpicking with your comments but my reading of this truly sordid issue is that the Clones thuggery happened as far back as 25+ years ago. Personally my sympathies are with Nicola but I’m slightly perturbed by the fact that she posted the exposë about 4 o’clock in the morning.:face_with_monocle:

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As I clarified in the sentence that you selectively left out. You instead decided to selectively quote one part, omit the parts that said

a) we don’t know the full ins and outs
b) if Gallagher’s statement is true

As I’ve said below, we have an allegation and a denial of allegations and a whole load of facts and incidents we don’t know. Repeating myself again before you again try and misrepresent me, I’m more inclined to believe her side of the story than his but there are things that also don’t add up on both sides of each other’s stories.

I thought that’s what he did before the supermarket job. Didn’t realise he was back in it

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Would there not be medical records on hospital admissions that can clarify she was admitted that night?
Is her friend who stopped Rory Gallagher by jumping on his back not around to go on record or willing to?

I don’t know either of the answer to those questions but they would certainly support and strengthen her case.

I hear Derry are playing in these on Sunday in solidarity with Gallagher.