2023 All Ireland Senior Football Championship


Combination of ongoing therapy/rehab and time being a great healer.

I reckon heā€™ll be back involved with Donegal by the end of the year.

Such a talent, shame he ruined his reputation.

Yes but according to the BBC article yesterday the files were sent by the PSNI just under a year ago so itā€™s only recently that both the PSNI investigations into allegations and the custody hearing (concluded in Feb past) sided against her.

As I said Iā€™m more inclined to believe her side of the story due to specific nature of allegations and support she seems to have locally but thereā€™s so many things that donā€™t add up.

Him being employed as manager of the fatherā€™s shop up until the marriage ended and abuse apparently so violent, so frequent and so public is one thing I canā€™t get my head around?

Outstanding :+1::medal_military:

Yeah, odd one. We all know families that either turn a blind eye, sweep stuff away, or choose to conciously ignore situations like this. It must be something like that.

Iā€™ve heard a lot of the Kilcar players are still big fans of Gallagher, which is also very odd.

People that have trained under Gallagher all rave about him, thereā€™s no doubting his ability as a coach/manager and how he has improved and brought on many players is evident. I havenā€™t heard one player who has played under him have much bad to say across Donegal, Fermanagh and Derry.

I guess the fact that heā€™s a reputation for transferring clubs and counties has tagged him as some sort of mercenary, added to the fact his sideline antics and some peopleā€™s view on his style of football make him quite disliked across GAA circles. Iā€™d imagine a lot of people who heard rumours but had no in the know source just put these rumours down to bitterness from those pedaling them. I had heard a few negative things in the past about Gallagher but never to the sort of allegations this week.

Mason Greenwoodā€™s partnerā€™s father was more distraught that anyone when the story broke and he thought heā€™d lose his VIP access to Old Trafford

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Aye. Must be. We should really just hang him nowā€¦no point in a trial

Drastic, but I like your initiative.

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I donā€™t think so,he relies too much on the same 15.They will be gassed out in a year or 2.Very hard to keep up that intensity.

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Theyā€™re a young team. Would probably had won the u20s this year had they allowed Murray and McEvoy away this year. Load more of them to come through, you can see how much Doherty, McGrogan, McCloskey and Cassidy have came on this year as well.

Thereā€™s always been huge talent in Derry, they just needed a unifying force to quell the tension from the toxic club scene there.

Really relevant here. Footix gobshite

Take it up with the fella who brought him into the conversation.

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No Jemar Hall. Soupy starts.

Derry: OdhrƔn Lynch, Chrissy McKaigue, Eoin McEvoy, Conor McCluskey, Paudi McGrogan, Gareth McKinless, Conor Doherty, Conor Glass, Brendan Rogers, Padraig Cassidy, Paul Cassidy, Ethan Doherty, Niall Toner, Shane McGuigan, Niall Loughlin
Subs: Ryan Scullion, Declan Cassidy, Ciaran McFaul, Shea Downey, Lachlan Murray, Ben McCarron, Paul McNeill, Benny Heron, Conleth McGuckian, Mark Doherty, Niall Oā€™Donnell

McKaigue to pick up Murnin
McGrogan on Oā€™Neill
McCloskey on Grugan
McKinless on Soupy
McEvoy on Turbitt
C Doherty on Duffy

Forker to take McGuigan
Mackin to take up E Doherty
McCabe on Paul Cassidy

Think itā€™s very possible Armagh will bring in McCambridge or Morgan for Turbitt before throw in.

Good to see Joe Kernan doing a bit of media this week.

Heā€™d get the blood thumping the way heā€™s tapping the table when talking about Armagh.

Joe canā€™t work GAAGO for shit acc to Aaron

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Will Jim McGuinness return to the managerial fold though? Lads have been touting him for jobs for a few years now. A return to Donegal, helping Galway under Joyce, interest in the Cork job. The way Derry have evolved and grown over the last few years gives hope to every team across the country that if you get your house in order you can climb the ranks very quickly. A template that the likes of Down, Meath and Kildare could follow.

Surprised to see Aidan Nugent on the bench. He was a mainstay of the team in recent years. Usually good for a couple of scores.
