2023 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

Excellent recruitment

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I’d be very concerned what a quartet of fair to middling forwards look like if these are what you term quality. Granted, Campbell when he treated us to his presence brought a bit of dash and engineered a lifeline along with 2 points but as for the other trio - meh!!!


You’d be delighted for Chrissy.


What counties have a better forward line than Armagh in the country? Kerry, Dublin? Galway at a push though I’d still take Armagh’s forward line any day over Galway’s.

Armagh’s issue at the minute is midfield and a lack of markers at the back.

The full-back line is ropey enough, in fairness. You’d always get the feeling they’d cough up a silly goal.

You can see the chip on the shoulders from the lads who always snipe at Ulster football. They are jealous that what we had yesterday, what we had last year, what we had when Cavan shocked Donegal, Peter Harte’s injury time wonder score in 2016, when Monaghan toppled the AI champs in 2013.

The red hot atmosphere, the intensity, the requirement for magic dust from bona fide greats to decide games is merely something that is a dream in their heads, in Ulster it is reality, it is the expectation, it is the norm.

The Ulster football final is the pinnacle, they matter and always will matter.


By definition it isn’t. It’s a base camp en route to Everest.

Forker is a converted forward, McKay is ok but not top level you probably need. C O’Neill, Burns and Mackin aren’t markers. McCabe is a decent playe, they really need Morgan fit and in form as he’s their best marker.

AI final day can’t match what the Ulster Championship final brings.

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The 2x Ulster Final’s and Ulster Club Final have really outdone themselves these past 12 months.

Tremendous occasions.


Galway can have upwards of 2 Moyculleners playing at any one time in the forwards. I’d take that ginger 10 from Armagh that was terrified of taking on a score himself over that scenario any day of the week. Ulster football is back baby!

You would. He’s had a serious decade or so now with both club and county. A man who never shirked work with both. Others did.

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When you’ve an eejit like Rafferty lepping around coughing up scores and kicking wides, you’ll always be under pressure. I’m surprised McGreeney hasn’t tried RON back there. This is the man who played Jamie Clarke wing back after all.

IMO the Ulster team with the best shot at Sam was sitting up watching the game at home.

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If Tyrone get their A game going for 70 minutes they will beat anybody but there’s been a real mental lapse in concentration in so many games in the past 18 months.

They have been in good positions against Armagh and Monaghan in Championship at various points this year and just lost control of the game. Similar positions in the league against Roscommon and Galway and threw them away.

McGeary needs to be dropped though, half forward line of McGeary, O’Neill and Burns won’t cut it this year. Would be hoping Sludden and Oguz are in from the start next year and it would be great if Peter Teague can return as well.

Tyrone have a Derry problem but I think Croke Park probably suits us better than the other Ulster sides.

I’d love to see him get an All Ireland in some shape or form. Same for Rodgers and McGuigan. They’ve always shown up.

The Club Hurling is probably still their best shot at it but they’ll take some heart from yesterday. Their group in this round robin looks relatively straightforward so they should be in fine fettle for when the real stuff starts in 6 weeks time.

Glass made no bones about it after the game yesterday, its All Ireland or bust now for this team.

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Presume they drive on without Rory. No way can they draft him back in surely?

Would McGeary not be a fixture, on reputation alone? He’s looked a bit of a passenger alright from what I’ve watched but don’t think you’ll drop him?