2023 Club Championships

Obviously without the county players.

Correct. But they run the hurling off over a few weeks in July to clear the decks.

yep 2 championships start in august, hurling played off and finished by the august weekend to clear the way for the football championships

the kerry county board look after the kerry county hurling teams well in fairness to them but what they have done to club hurling to prioritise 2 football championships is all wrong

They ll play off the hurling in a blitz over the june weekend to make way for a third football championship is my prediction!

The crowd at the county hurling final nearly surpassed that which was present today at the football final and the football final had a curtain raiser junior final. They didnt even bother with a curtain raiser for the senior hurling final, played the intermediate final mid week a few days earlier rather than have it on the same day as the senior. It is almost like the board are afraid the county hurling final become a bigger crowd puller than the football final


Limerick footballers well out by then.

Cork clubs have won 1 game in Munster in 14 years. Well before split season. Try harder next time.

Kerry club team of the 21st century. 8 Dr Crokes

Team is Shane Murphy, Stephen O Sullivan, Mike Moloney, Killian Young, Denis Shine O Sullivan, Eoin Brosnan, Shane Myers, Bryan Sheehan, Johnny Buckley, Kieran O Leary, Declan O Sullivan, Brian Looney, Colm Cooper, Dara O Cinneide, Maurice Fitzgerald


Omagh and Newry are going to be like red-raw coliseums next weekend.

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Tullamore player and official face proposed 96 and 48-week bans

1 why are the Ulster council involved
But mainly 2
What an earth could possibly be “extenuating circumstances”? I know they’ll come upmeith some absolute drivel, but if this appeal is even entertained it’s all kinds of wrong, because it’s one of the few cases where there needs to be exemplary justice.

The ulster thing is a separate case.

On 2 - Check your DMs.

Must be 2 months since Naomh Éanna played is it?

Story I heard was yer man would have been playing but was in hospital for some reason. The hospital is right beside the pitch and he signed himself out to go to the match. Maybe that will form some part of his excuse. He wasn’t of sound mind and body or some shite.

Is it a mental hospital?

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More I’d say. I reckon the Wexford final was played on Sunday August 20th.

12 weeks ago.

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Thanks. Will do.

FFS. You couldn’t help yourself. Gossiping about a young lad’s health issues on a public forum.

Jaysus I thought I was helping explain but its deleted now. The young man doesnt deserve the abuse he’s gotten or getting. Better to have it said he was in a mental though I suppose.

Nasty nasty stuff of a Tuesday.

My ‘Rosenborg situation’ analogy seems to getting huge traction in the national media these days. Its exceeded even my wildest expectations.

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You flagged the superclub?