2023 Club Championships

Both Club Hurling Semi Finals are on TG4.

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You’d barely know the Club Hurling Semi Finals are on this weekend. Zero (0) promotion.

The split season zealots will be delighted with what they have done.

A real Hurling man like Cyril Farrell was apoplectic on WLR about the scheduling during the week. Cc @ChairmanDan

Who the fuck wins with all this? Bonkers the lot of it

They’re an irrelevance mate, no one cares outside the clubs involved, thats how the club championships work. Its how its always worked. And even more so when you have dulls as fuck cunts like Gunnar involved.

Now Birr, there was a team to stir your passion for a club other than your own. You’re making a big deal out of this, but on the whole, no one gives a fuck outside the clubs involved, and perhaps the counties involved.

You wont get 2k in Portlaoise tomorrow night. And your TV audience is probably halved if not more.

Such self sabotage.

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Be a grand aul evening in the old Park. And then a stroll down for a few pints afterwards in Scullys.

That’s exactly how the split season zealots want it and that’s fair enough.

At least you are being honest.

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It isnt really. It is how its always been, you’re merely a chap with rose tinted glasses.


If you go back 6 or 7 years, you were getting great spectacles like the below in front of big crowds in Semple Stadium in February. (The last 10 minutes of this are simply incredible)

Crowds at Club games have plummeted since the split season. Only Ulster is holding firm.


Not at all, those crowds were the exception not the rule. You’re hysterical. I’d be no fan of the split season but you’re being crazy

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Nobody really gives a fuck about these championships. Everybody loses interest once the county finals are played.


I’d say the Glen v Crokes game has the potential to be the best attended club game outside Croke Park in years. A completely dominant Ballygunner against St Thomases, a team that has been around for years and are getting gradually worse, understandably isn’t catching the publics imagination.

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What sort of crowd will be in Newry on Jan 7th?

Crazy when you think of it, All Ireland semi’s in February and finals on Paddy’s day.

4,000 in Thurles that day. Not massive

It will depend on the weather a bit but it will draw a 5 figure crowd anyway I expect

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Pre Covid - official attendances announced to the public were far lower than what they actually were in reality. Probably closer to 6k there that day. Cash at the stiles was great fun.

Everyone used to start laughing when they’d announce the attendances at matches in Thurles back then.

What’s the capacity? 20k?

Crokes* could be outnumbered 10:1 for support.

Yeah about that, shelter for about 10k. Couple of very attractive McKenna cup games the same day but I expect the football loving people of Ulster to turn out in Newry in huge numbers - a chance to right a wrong perpetrated by a Dublin shower, and a chance to see Shane Walsh up close, it must be a ticket promoters dream!

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The Humble Corner Shop in Maghera vs A Global Healthcare Conglomerate

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