2023 Club Championships

A titanic battle. Salthill really stepped it up today after below par performances thus far and can count themselves unlucky. Second year in a row to go down to moycullen by a point.

Cathal Sweeney was excellent, ably assisted by Daniel O Flaherty, Rob Finnerty and John Maher.

Peter Cooke was MOTM and kicked some great scores. All the big names back for Moycullen today but they weren’t as fluid as usual. Johnny Maloney was very quiet after all the recent talk about him.

You’d fancy a Moycullen v Corofin final now that could be epic. Mountbellew still seem a bit off it and Milltown are in serious bonus territory after a surprise win over Claregalway.

Moycullen have a savage panel but are one blue chip inside forward short of an all ireland imo.


Would they consider a move for Shane Walsh?

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:grinning:. I knew someone would suggest that. If they saw the arse on him yesterday then definitely not…

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For who?

I’m not so sure. I think they’re right. Saturday is an exceptional occasion for Irish sport. One of the biggest we’ve ever had.

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Ah hardly.

I think Na Piarsaigh v Doon is scheduled to be on RTÉ next Saturday.

It is. Weird of RTE to choose that one when Kilmallock vs the Well was the standout group game in Limerick and Na Piarsaigh absolutely hammered Doon.

Hopefully it’s a decent game but it does seem like a strange decision.

I think it is.

Determined by Co. Board really with the other semi being on Sunday.

If they were to win, then yes it can enter the discussion. But until they get that win, it’ll be no different than any other false dawn. Now, I think they can do it, Farrell is a much more progressive and less cuntish coach than Schmidt, and New Zealand are the worst side that have ever arrived to a World Cup from those islands, but, until we get it done, its no more than a what if.

Sure no one is going to go to the Na Piarsaigh match. Won’t lose much attendance by televising it. A masterstroke by Spike.

Naas look to be the premier dual club in the country going off peddlers ratings. How the jaysus did they manage that?? Hardly a huge traditional power house

Moycullen Ditto

will be 90% Doon as always.

Slaughtneil are the Premier Dual Club in Ireland as per the POWER RANKINGS with a cumulative total of 16 (3 in Hurling, 13 in Football). Naas have a cumulative total of 18 (11 Football, 7 in hurling).

Before last week, Kilmacud Crokes* would have been ahead of them.

But what Slaughneil have done over the last decade with almost solely Dual Players has been extraordinary.


Yeah but they are bogmen who would literally die for their club and have fuck all else to do. Who happened upon a one off group of players. It’s a story as old as time. How did soft townies like naas of whom there are countless other similar clubs in the country manage it is probably more interesting.

and the same result as always

The fact they have a huge pick with a load of country people settling there now as Teachers/Gardai etc and becoming a ‘Rosenburg’ situation where they are likely to do 10 in a row at both Hurling and Football within Kildare gives them a huge advantage. This massively helps to nudge them up the POWER RANKINGS. They are effectively a Na Fianna/Ballyboden/Kilmacud* based in Co. Kildare.

Slaughtneil’s case study is far more interesting.

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Absolutely huge town benefiting from the likes of Kerry co op employing so many country lads.

Think Aldi or Lidl employ a load of lads as well too.

Would have a lot of lads based around there too with the curragh not far.