2023 Club Championships

Also people moving out from Dublin.

TBF to Naas they went down to KK to get hurling games underage, so they were fairly proactive about it.

At same time there must be 20k living in Naas town alone, not to mention the areas around it and a relatively young population too

Stapleton ripping off TFKā€™s resident expert @peddlerscross Power Rankings here.


Iā€™m not a member of Naas but am in a small club near-ish it. Seems booming in fairness

A fine Laois hurling man at the heart of it too I believe.

Just watched a bit of it there.

Christ they were very unsure of themselves. They didnā€™t even bother with the Football due to a lack of knowledge.

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I played a practice match up there one time and their clubhouse was a sight to behold. Had a very tasty chicken curry, rice and chips afterwards which Iā€™m fairly sure was free. A mighty sound gesture it must be noted. There was some huge underage disco on there the same night in another part of the complex that was essentially a defacto fundraiser for the club. Think thereā€™s only a crossover of 3 (three) players between the football and hurling? Not a proper dual panel in that regard. No comparison to the likes of a Loughmore.

Weā€™ll need to do a POWER RANKINGS of the Top 10 Clubhouses in the GAAā€¦


Would that be unusual? Iā€™d say I could count on one hand how many times iv gone to an away match in rubby and not been fed. Weā€™d always throw up stew sandwiches and as many queen cakes as a fella could ate after a game

What the fuck is a stew sandwich?


Itā€™s the main course to a soggy biscuit


Oh yeah. Itā€™s very rare youā€™d get fed by the opposition after any match. Maybe an away practice match after a long trip being the exception. A rollover after a county final the most likely occasion where two teams might come together for drinks and even then it would have to be two clubs on fairly good terms.

Iā€™d say a stew sandwich is some challenge to eat. Sounds messy but might garner a few likes on the sandwich thread.


Sorry for missing a comma

Chiarains is surely up there.

You could be popping in there for a pre match pint and the place could be full with a christening, funeral or the rollover of a birthday. The place swamped going mental to some Maniac 2000 at 1:45pm of an October Sunday.


:smiley: that makes more sense.

The Craobh, Mount Sion and Glen Rovers are probably my Top 3 that Iā€™ve been in.

All old money.

The Michael Murphy Memorial Cup glistened up on the podium. A new trophy had been made. And this was its first day out.

Up in the gantry, Malachy Keena switched on the scoreboard. Top sportswriter, Malachy Clerkin, took his place in the stand. The Dublin CEO, John Costello, stood on the terrace.

The latecomers had a job to find a seat. From ringside, Paul McLoughlin, announced the teams. All fell silent for a minuteā€™s silence for Frank Brady. Then a burst of applause. In a ground he loved so well.

Fiona Bolton sang the National Anthem. The golden voice of Balbriggan.

Ray McBride refereed his first game when he was only 14. As soon as he threw the ball in here, Crokes were on the front foot. Steaming towards the church-end goal.

They injected such pace into their play. As slick and as sure with their passing as the Irish rugby team. And so comfortable working the ball out from deep defence.

So fast was the Kilmacud opening that Na Fianna found themselves firmly on the back foot. They just couldnā€™t get into their stride. They couldnā€™t get a finger-hold, not to mind a foot-hold, on the match.

Every Kilmacud attack seemed to end in profit. Their kicking coach is Emmet Farrell of Leinster Rugby. Jonny Sexton is in the best of hands.

The Crokes full-forward, Michelle Davoren, is one of the most intelligent footballers of all. She is always ahead of the traffic. Her clever movement a delight.

She excels at bringing team-mates into the action. And she does it at precisely the right moment. When they have time and space, or are hurtling past her shoulder, like the last 46A of the night heading home to Donnybrook Garage.

We were in Borrisokane this year and they were throwing out breakfast rolls for everyone afterwards & mugs of tea.

Onrale. Donā€™t think weā€™ve ever been fed like that for a challenge.


The Barrs old clubhouse in Cabra of a Monday afternoon would be rockin back in the day. Cc @Spidey

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Aka a ā€œqueen cakeā€