2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Two games between the provincial losers and two teams who couldn’t even get to the provincial finals

Away and shite

This is what split season zealots like @Perez2017 have reduced it to.

It’s some two fingers to the GAA community in Wexford.

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They should really get those hurling games out of the way on Friday at lunchtime be fucked.


They shoulda just moved the Wexford game to Sunday.

Anyway, it’ll be grand, some Wexford auooorters didn’t bother go see them this weekend so it’s not the end of the world

Bad form from the Gaa and other 2 fingers to Leinster hurling. Ive no doubt if Clare had of requested a change it would have been granted. There is no reason why the Clare v Wexford game couldnt have been moved to Sunday.

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The Transylvanian Bulls are the only show in town now on Saturday thanks to these split season zealots.

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Any lad who hasn’t booked a hotel in Dublin the weekend of the All Ireland at the start of the year is at nathin.

I don’t think that’s true. It’s a football oriented organisation and that’s the bottom line.

In Babs we trust.


Give Cork vs Dubs a single meeting in Thurles on Saturday. Cork will bring the bandwagon, full house, everyone is happy.

Have Wexford vs Clare in Portlaoise on the Sunday in Thurles, or triple header in Croke Park.

But no, two fingers up to the volunteers as the gaa follows the " fixtures masterplan"

Masterplan to piss people off further more like.

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Suits me the finest. Have a club game Sunday we don’t need to change now.


It’s for the semi finals of the TC which is even more ridiculous.

Imagine the Joe Mc semis getting a bigger billing than the football quarter finals.


Cork will be bringing 30,000 odd teenyboppers though seemingly. That’s if the Leaving Cert is over by then and they’re not all off in the Gaeltacht or at some music festival.


A vote to change, on the back of a Wexford motion, got 57pc, just short of the required 60pc.


What club are you? Thought you were from Kk?

Hmm, lets not mention how the teams getting top billing for the weekend fared in their respective provincial championships…

1.15pm on Saturday is a ridiculous time to be scheduling the 5th remaining hurling game of the season. Regardless of feile or tailteann cup.

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The top billing was decided months ago, no one had any issue with it then?

The ball was thrown about the place with absolute impunity by both sides in the minor yesterday.

Hurling needs oxygen.

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