2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

They almost always are

High ball to Chin. No good. He was Cleary’d to be fair

Chin fouled twice under a high ball in the square
Play on says Johnny :joy:

The scheduling of these games has been a joke.

They should have been on GAAGo at 11am.


Is this Johnny’s chance ?

To be fair to Cleary chin nearly head butted his hurley if anything


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He gave a free against Chin for fending a lad off in the first half.

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6 minutes. FFS Johnny. Have you no mercy

6 minutes??? Make it stop.

He’s fair good at winning the ball.

It’s hardly a fantastic year for Wexford, despite what Cummins said there.


Was thinking the same but didn’t want to stick the boot in on the Wexford’s. Third in Leinster and bate to death in the QF is hardly a great year

Also seemed to say that not having lost by 25 points was a positive

Good man Conor

High ball to MacDonald. Well in his general direction. He had no chance of getting that one.

He’s really due now

Was we level when we got the red?

We’d have lost anyway but deary me what a waste of a day that made it.

A killer so it was. Looked like it was shaping up even enough and Wexford were very much in the ascendancy at the time

12 to 1-9

I take the shit out of Fanning, but in fairness to him, he’s made two crucial saves today