2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

O’ Dualing. He’s young but will be a starter in time.

His brother is quite the unit, but not hurling well this year.

Serious wheels on Brian, made up yards on Fitzgibbon today.

Is Ronan Hayes too unfit or too windy or just not good enough or what?

Agreed has the pace but seriously needs to bulk up

Deccie Dalton has carved out a bit of a niche for himself dropping into a pocket as a puckout option.

If you cut that off Cork are one dimensional enough on puckouts.

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A lot of people probably remember a ten minute tour de france from him in the 2021 county final to salvage a draw in normal time vs Na Fianna. It was live on a Saturday night on RTE. That was the exception rather than norm. He hasn’t hit those heights again. Missed a great goal chance again today. Seems totally out of confidence although playing as an inside forward in this Dublin team will do that.

What’s the story with the Cuala Kerry man

Yeah he looked very good in that. That missed goal chance today was woeful. He didn’t get near it. He appears to have Paul Ryan syndrome in that he has talent but only occasionally will it be unlocked due to a deep seated lack of confidence.

Was a selector/coach with the 20s. He pulled back from the senior team 2/3 years ago when he became a Daddy. Played with Cuala last year but does no longer have the wheels he once had. Didn’t play league yet with them this year but might be back for championship.

He will be sent off this year yet

A distinct possibility.

Depending on your viewpoint he either ‘brings an edge’ or is a pup.

Doyle was impressive.

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A great fella. Sold down the river by poor mgmt the last day. Still only 20.

Has an IC frame and hurling to boot. Think he will be the 6 in time.

I must be the only one to think that the first yellow for ROC was spot on today but the second was harsh.

The first was a yellow IMO - his arm clashes high with Reidy moving at serious pace. Unfortunate, but yellow in my view.
Everyone giving out about the fact that it was dished out after 10 seconds - a completely irrelevant factor in the eyes of a referee.

The second yellow had absolutely zero dirt involved, and was a genuine attempt at a block. Still, ROC should probably have been cuter.

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I couldn’t believe it when it was announced he wasn’t starting. Incredibly harsh.

I really liked the look of him at u20 last year. Ó Dúlaing should be more prominent for the seniors too. Was Darragh Purcell injured? Those three are an immediate improvement on some guys starting today.

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For me, the second one- I don’t think there was any dirt involved. But, genuine attempt or not, he was late, made no connection with the ball and slapped down on the player’s hand, that can be dangerous. If you don’t get the block, you have to make sure you’re not hitting the player or you run the risk of a card.

I think the first one was just harmless though. Yeah, it’s a free but it was arm on chest, it’s not high, it’s not dangerous… I would say there were worst contacts later in the game which weren’t cards.

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He didn’t play under 20 last year. MD played him up with the seniors and was ineligable. Played the two years previous though. He has it.

Don’t know what the story with Purcell was today. I heard himself and MD have a frosty relationship. Started the Leinster final but a no show today. Was named on the 26. I was too far away to see if he was warming up. Didn’t see the warm up. Rate him too but needs to settle on a position. Played all his underage stuff as an inside forward, but Crokes play him as a midfielder as they are stacked with forward talent.

The double header was so exceedingly attractive, Michael Kennedy threw the ball in two minutes earlier than the 1:15 start, just to add to add to the feeling it was a Mickey Mouse operation.

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Did Doyle not play in a round robin against Galway at u20 last year? I’m faurly sure he did. It was in some whole of a venue. Galway very poor.

After that he was with the seniors though, you’re right.

He might have, yeah. He def missed a lot of it because of the seniors though.