2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

The home quarter-final is on the agenda :clap:

I expect that poultice Jamesie O’Connor will tip Cork. That’ll see us home.


He’s a fairly unique character for an intercounty setup. Takes it all fairly lightly and a lot of managers don’t know what to make of him.

Completely one sided at the level they are at is just not good enough though

I wouldn’t be spending much time paying heed to a lad who screams about undocumented migrants in most posts on his timeline


Seems there’s a lot of chat why Patrick Horgan got fed so much ball at the weekend ahead of hayes and Connolly.

There’s one obvious reason and if that’s where cork are at it could be another sorry day for cork hurling Sunday week.

Connolly and Hayes have spent most of the last 2 weeks in bed or in the doctors. Both shouldn’t have been playing at all.

I love reading your insightful hurling posts
Makes my day :+1::+1:

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Maybe the same illness that hit Clare

JP is using chemical warfare to get us over the line

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He’s using the same stuff he used to stop elimay in Cheltenham

What does it say for the likes of Kingston Jack o Connor o Flynn if they are dragging the two boys out of death beds to play against Offaly and Dublin?

The truth is they were fine to play


I’m still playing the second half here

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Hurling Havana Syndrome

What is that.

Dublin’s touch against Galway was actually quite poor. It’s what gave the impression that the first decent team would ate them.
They are a side, due to their fitness and mobility, that you’d rather not go down to 14 against though.

This is a tired old cliche about Dublin hurling teams. All inter county hurling teams should be fit. A lack of pace is actually a major problem for us. Brian Hayes and Eoin o Donnell are the only 2 really fast players we have and Cork’s pace (particularly Shane Barrett) caused us all sorts of trouble. A lot of our better hurlers are actually on the slow side. Donal and Conor Burke. Chris Crummy, Paddy Smyth and Conor o Donoghue. Dublin beat Galway for a few reasons but the main one was Henry didn’t bother assigning anyone to mark Donal Burke. Our long range shooting was alsooutstanding on the day. The sending off obviously helped too but results have shown we are always capable of matching Galway. Kilkenny not so much.

Agreed. There is nothing remarkable physically/athletically about this Dublin side. Limerick and Clare are the sides who standout in those departments in my opinion, everyone else is a much of a muchness.

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