2024 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

You’re so feeble minded.

No im not and its so creepy the way you keep saying that over and over again.

Only saying what I’m seeing.

I genuinely hope you don’t carry on like this in any other
Walk of life.

Life is very short. You should enjoy it. It could be over
Tomorrow morning.

You seem endlessly angry for whatever reason but there’s no need to take it out on posters on here particularly over things like travelling from a game to tuam.

I’m not remotely angry. Just when I see moronic posts I have to call them out. Just do better in future. Put more thought into them.

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Don’t be trying to help this racist cunt. He’s no friends and he hates his family. He professes to love rural Ireland but can’t make a go of it there at a time of full employment. He has had to slink off to Canada again to make a living.


You just blew the lid over a poster having a family day out.

You are clearly very angry from the posts I read.

Out of curiosity which of your posts aren’t moronic? I just read endless drivel of you having cheap shots at other posters.

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The ones where I point out that you are feeble minded.

So theres absolutely none at all?

Doesn’t surprise me.

Such seethe. Just because you hide behind your daughter don’t be trying to get any info out of me you sad cunt.

Any evidence of me being racist? Nope but you shriek it every time I better you. Would you say it to my face? not a chance.

Do I have evidence of you being too cowardly to call racism out, despite constantly pontificating… You bet I do…

Do we have to keep doing this? The time you called another posters wife a gook is probably the most blatant racist comment made on this site. Why do you keep asking for evidence when we all knew you did this?

That was a poor comment in the middle of an argument. We’re you even on this site then? It was a long running thing he was digging me and was protected by admins so I passed a poor comment. I owned it. I don’t know if he even has a wife, I’ve no idea Where’s shes from if she exists. I’ve never posted anything else racist unless you think ripping joke parties like greens apart or calling out Dublins doping is racist.

But there’s been loads of racists comments on here, I wonder if I gave you the chance to call those out repeatedly would you take it? Oh, wait, I already have the answer to that one.

Lots of excuses and deflecting from you here but racism is racism and you’re a racist.


But other posters who posted racist comments. Will you call them out? Especially if they are admins? Of course you wont. As we see today also hiding behind you’re daughter, you are a total coward.

But, but but me hole. You’re a racist. Everbody here knows what you are.

But the admins and everyone else who did the same as me isn’t in your books. Because you’re afraid to call that out. Cowardly cowardly cunt.

But he did it too sir!!! Go way you racist gowl.

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You had the chance to call it. You bottled it. And you are known for it. Too afraid of admins. Hilarious really.

Call what? Call u a racist? Im doing it all evening. You’re a racist cunt

Go for a walk to clear the head mate*

*Not in the part of town with dead bodies on the pavement

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