2024 BruidheanChaorthainn betting thread

Bloody non runner

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Good man BC. An oul yankee done

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Another place.

Frustrating as we got no run.

Noble Crusade being backed like defeat is out of the question

And comes nowhere. The shorter they get invariably the further they get beat.

The only one who didn’t know the horse was off was the jockey it would seem :thinking:

Does not compute

You appear to be chasing again @BruidheanChaorthainn

Last few steamers I’ve had have just came no where. I Do wonder sometimes that the markets are becoming so illiquid how much it means in the lower level stuff.

You are appear to be stoned as a goat again

Maybe at the lower end of the market. The two O’Brien hot pots were hammered and duly obliged as did Jessies. Fair bit of bobs for Slatterys Garvey runner which was not without its friends either.

I would watch maidens and the better racing but very rarely have bets in it. So I can’t really comment.

Fair enough, maidens are usually dominated by the market fancies, but the other two I mentioned were in a Group and the other a handicap race.

That’s a Top the Town horse, they had brought a bus back and all. I had a couple of pints there earlier and it was empty.