270 to Win Electoral College Predictions

273 to 265. I punt that she’ll lose Pennsylvania, but North Carolina and Nevada will send her over the top.

Whoever gets it right, or closest…gets bestowed with the ‘U.S. Elections Punditry Expert on TFK’ for the next four years.

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Trump 293
Harris 245

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Trump 287
Harris 251


Harris 306
Trump 232

Does it have to add up to 538?

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Could someone reach out to @Tierneevin1979
We could do with some well-informed objectivity

Harris 319
Trump 219


trump 285
harris 253


Civil war

Harris 292 Trump 246

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Are we counting the actual votes or the “counted votes”

Fella I know is a staunch Trump supporter. He found out both his parents voted for Harris. He’s fucking livid. Says he won’t visit their graves anymore.

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Harris 270
Trump 268

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Imagine the absolute meltdown if that was the final score.
There will be fuck all of a meltdown if Harris wins. A few social media hissy fits and lot of hand wringing definitely but very little else.
If trump loses there is an absolute guarantee of very serious violence and he himself will just go completely and utterly mental. Hell be gazza with glenn hoddle that time

You’ve more contradictions in that post than the children’s focus group which produced Poochie the dog.

So the only two possible outcomes are that harris wins or trump loses?
The fix is in.

Harris 282
Trump 256

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I also landed here


Give me one of them.
Edit I obviously meant if Harris loses in the first sentence :upside_down_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

These are fundamentally contradictory.

What’s on your scoreboard @Cheasty?