A fecking disgrace

Bill Cullen and Eamonn Dunphy have been asked to speak to a joint Oireachtas committee today on how the Government can come up with a “clear” message on the Lisbon treaty. These 2 have been asked to speak and give their suggestions as they are known as straight talkers. Really shows how good the government is if these 2 jokers are being brought in.

thats nuts

maybe bill should explain why his company is doing bad since the renault franchise was split

i believe george hook is speaking too…

I watched it lads.

It was cringeworthy.

Hook and Dunphy swapping insults across the Seanad floor.

Beverly Flynn looked well though.

Don’t miss Oireachtas report tonight.

who asked these 2 jokers? are the fucking government trying to find a way to get a message to the common people and think these 2 wankers are the answer?
a car salesman turned reality tv whore and a drug abusing football pundit who changes his opinion on things every tuesday.
straight talkers = bullshit artists
they must think we are a bunch of fucking idiots

for fuck’s sake that’s ridiculous. Reminds me of the time I went to Mass and Aengus McNally was giving the sermon as a Christmas treat. Why the fuck would I want to listen to him?

They were not there to discuss the actual content of any message…just on how the message can best be communicated through TV and Radio.

They all said that Ganley tore the Govt. a new one last time out in the media game.

[quote=“HBV*”]who asked these 2 jokers? are the fucking government trying to find a way to get a message to the common people and think these 2 wankers are the answer?
a car salesman turned reality tv whore and a drug abusing football pundit who changes his opinion on things every tuesday.
straight talkers = bullshit artists
they must think we are a bunch of fucking idiots[/quote]

I am surprisec NCC wasn’t asked to talk at it but I suppose the likes of Dunphy and Cullen would have far more credability an integrity than NCC :stuck_out_tongue:

Aengus McNally is a ridiculous looking individual. He has a ridiculous name too.

Apres match do a good version of him.

[quote=“HBV*”]who asked these 2 jokers? are the fucking government trying to find a way to get a message to the common people and think these 2 wankers are the answer?
a car salesman turned reality tv whore and a drug abusing football pundit who changes his opinion on things every tuesday.
straight talkers = bullshit artists
they must think we are a bunch of fucking idiots[/quote]

im not sure that someone who does coke now & again is a drug abuser -

you are surprised I wasnt asked to talk in the seanad - really? I have made that much of an impression on you

It is indeed ncc…that is why I used the laugh and tongue in cheek smilie because i have nothing but respect for you:rolleyes:

You speaking from experience NCC?

yet someone who uses an inhaler for a medical condition is a drug cheat:eek:…

if your not sure about something dont comment about it

i would say a high % of people my age has dabbled in coke , id be surprised if ther were not a good few here who have

pukey -You cant compare a kerry player using drugs to improve sporting performance with a recreational drug user

Sher, dont you know the great NCC has an opinion on everything!

[quote=“north county corncrake”]i would say a high % of people my age has dabbled in coke , id be surprised if ther were not a good few here who have

pukey -You cant compare a kerry player using drugs to improve sporting performance with a recreational drug user[/quote]

I am not comparing it…I just find it a bit odd that you find it offensive when some calls a self confesses cocaine user an addict but when a lad with astmha fails a drug test for having a substance which is in his medication in his system he is automatically a drug cheat…

no - im saying that someone who has used coke in the past is not necessarily a drug abuser or an addict & that a sportsman that fails a drug test is a cheat

unlike you who only seems to get opinionated when people are giving out about the Britsh army