A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Itā€™s kind of a stupid comment by me but I just didnā€™t fully get how a group of people can be so evil and itā€™s like I didnā€™t no people myself who remembered world war 2.

I always presumed nothing like this would happen again but Iā€™m not so sure now.

Nothing would surprise me.

Imagine, thereā€™s a few lads on here whoā€™d rave about these yokes

We can be coerced to do the worst of shit.

Everyone in Ireland knew what was happening in the laundries here for example but got on with their lives. Those that did put their head above the parrot pit were often ostracized from society and at the end of the day most will choose self preservation - thatā€™s what every creature on the planet is programmed to do.

There were anti nazi movements in Germany ā€¦ And other such countries. Righteous people will always stand upā€¦ But most will look after their own lot.


Lashing out on here then after a Gobbles passion or a large Goring and cheese thin crust.

How ironic or perhaps appropriate that theyā€™re one of the major international brands expanding in Israeli illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.

@Thomas_brady had a great recommendation about this book previous iirc.

When you see a post like this, it would make your blood turn cold though

As for this fella, very unsettling

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Itā€™s a process and it moves incrementally. Obviously thereā€™s loads to it. But simplified it starts out with the othering of a group, with blaming them for something or other, hate speech is normalised (real good example of this in Israel at the moment) and becomes widespread and then becomes the accepted view across society, the group is dehumanised, itā€™s not seen as wrong to deprived them or rights because theyā€™re not equal, once theyā€™re deprived of some basic rights its acceptable to take a away more, they canā€™t vote, they canā€™t own land, we can take their possessions off them they should never had them anyway, they shouldnā€™t even be here letā€™s deport them, round them up and imprison them. As you approach that stage violence quickly becomes acceptable.

Basically as each stage becomes normalised itā€™s easier to move to the next stage. Even the Nazis didnā€™t start out with killing Jews or ā€œthe final solutionā€, they progressed along to it. They didnā€™t start out with gas chambers either. But as each stage along the way becomes normal the next step towards deeper depravity is easier.

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There was a very recent example of fucking weirdos getting all caught up in hysteria and othering a group of people. They went as far as wanting them to wear a symbol so that the fucking weirdos could have a visible sign of the others and they wanted them cut out from society, denied healthcare and any government supports and left to die on the streets. Easy to see how these type of sickos and simpletons could be caught up in Nazi like propaganda. Luckily there was enough good people to face these sick cunts down in that recent example, god knows where we wouldā€™ve ended up if everyone went along with these facist pigs.


Ooooft. @Horsebox clearing house here.

Bill Hader Omg GIF by Saturday Night Live

Good example here of a fucking weirdo getting caught up in hysteria and othering people.

Lads like @Horsebox are how the Nazis came to power.



I hope Joe Rogan reads an Capall Boscaā€¦ would make a great monologue for him


I was hoping if this fella got the boot the next lad in would wind things up.

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The next lad will be worse


@mickee321 warned us a long time ago about that Ben Gvir chap. Heā€™s a more demented version of Netanyahu.


@BruidheanChaorthainn this was 3 years ago. @mickee321 knew what was coming.


Oh the irony.

But Pret a Manger wasnā€™t around when the Nazis were