A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Maybe I’ve misinterpreted you. Above you took the view that a fella that criticised Israel should have also said “condemn hamas”. This basically buys into Israel’s “but whatabout” tactics in the video above.

The view I took at the time was that here we had a horrible attack on innocent Israeli citizens by a horrible organisation yet it wasn’t really being called out - sure there was a ‘everyone knows what Hamas did was wrong but….’ attitude.

I still believe that. It doesn’t mean that I don’t think what Israel are doing is even more abhorrent but the butchering that went on that day was horrific.

Israel have gone way into the stratosphere of wrongness since then of course and calling them out is where the focus should 100% be now.

I still think of the premature babies being taken out of the hospital because the electrics were cut - Christ, the lowest of human behaviour.

That post was about two months later after the Hamas attack.

Well I don’t know.

What is your view of Hamas by the way?

They’re terrible and unjustifiable. It’s clear why they exist though.

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Netanyahu is a problem but he is not the problem.



Here’s a neat example of it:

“All civilian casualties in Gaza, even those mistakenly caused by Israel, need to be laid at Hamas’ doorstep,” the paper writes.

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Finally Gibbons is good for something.


This Hen Mazzig character’s Twitter account is some fucking car crash.



Thank you INTERNET and Twitter for giving us mad American Zionists massively raising their profile by channelling “anti-woke” and Nazism.


100,000 anti-government protestors on the streets of Tel Aviv tonight, though I doubt it will do much to make them consider a change in approach.

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Some interesting analysis from an anti-war Israeli in this thread.


With just one Israeli brigade left in Gaza—down from a high of 20—it’s pretty clear now that this whole disaster is about to end with a whimper, leaving us with the worst of all possible worlds: Hamas still in power and more popular than ever, the hostages still there, thousands of children dead, and Israel’s reputation and international relations in tatters. I hope that all those armchair generals who’ve been yelling at me for six months that there was no other way, and that all this horrific suffering was necessary to “defeat” Hamas, are happy now. Great job, guys. Just fantastic.

Okay… Not sure if it’s funny or sad, but it seems that a few people (just a few, thankfully) are getting the impression that I am “discouraged” by this, and are urging me to keep up my spirits till “victory.” I am not discouraged. I am furious it took so long to get here.

Is this thing over already? Just in time for fellas to argue over the split season. Just like that arguement there will never be an end to war in the middle east


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I never really figured out how hitler got so much support.