A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I honestly dont know. I imagine they build it themselves. The defence industry is massive there, for obvious reasons. The US would buy a lot of technology from them as part of their support

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The Iron Dome including missiles was designed and is produced in Israel (Rafael), funded by the US.

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Remember the impact this image made? I think there is an onus on the main stream media now for a more unfiltered portrayal of the harsh realities of whats currently unfolding. Emphasising the grotesque impact on innocent lives with an urgent need for world to confront the grim consequences.


Media doesnā€™t seem to care anymore.

The only thing that can truly stop the hostilities in Israel & Palestine is the people standing and telling their leaders to stop immediately.

To stop destroying their homes, lives & futures.

Not every single person on either side of this is a bad human being. Theyā€™re living in this and need to stop it.


I suspect itā€™s the campaign funding and msm they are interested in/fearful of, rather than the votes on principle

France has banned all pro-Palestinian protest. I think is is genuinely totalitarian and I donā€™t see the self styled pro-free speech mob defending free speech in this case. But. I donā€™t think itā€™s much of a leap to imagine how intimidated Jewish communities throughout Europe must feel when they see the kind of rhetoric being chanted at these protests. These protests in Europe are becoming a lightning rod for hatred of Jews. I cannot underdstand the mentality that removes flowers from outside Israeli embassies. When you see a Jewish owned restaurant in London being attacked, when you see Jewish schools in London and elsewhwere in Europe having to close because they fear for the students and staff, this is appalling.

This is the great weakness of the pro-Palestinian movement in Europe and internationally. It has not disassociated itself from Hamas enough, or at all. There has to be a movement which supports the rights of the Palestinian people to live in peace and freedom, and it has to repudiate Hamas and it has to unequivocally say so.

But hatred is a two-way street. And it is ridiculous that people are being rounded on for trying to add some context as to why Hamas might attract support. It seems now that if you even point out the people of Gaza live in humiliation under siege, youā€™re accused of being a Hamas supporter. This is nuts. That said, itā€™s now pretty hard to make a credible argument that Hamas are much different from ISIS.

I hope all Irish people in Paris this weekend remain safe. I attended Euro 2016 not too long after the Bataclan, but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d like to be there at a major event any time soon.


One side have pitchforks, the other have nuclear weapons.

Israel are playing right into Hamas hands with the siege and collective punishment. If they continue to engage with this and deny food and water and power to 2 million people then itā€™ll lead to whataboutery of a whole other level in relation to the Holocaust and undermine any Jewish reliance on that horror to justify current and future actions given they are preparing to perpetrate their own genocide.

Youā€™d imagine tempers are high in immediate aftermath of the attacks but theyā€™ll come under severe pressure to pull back and theyā€™ll have to do that for their own interests.

Israel simply canā€™t withhold food and water from 2 million people. Theyā€™ll become a pariah. And itā€™s exactly what Hamas want them to do.


Seems to be one last effort from them.

Get over this and Israel are home free until the 1948/1967 crew die.

@mickee321 would have a greater knowledge but will the regular Israelis on the street demand and endorse this siege and potential ground assault?

The attack on Sunday was horrific but as the days pass and Israel continue to take out Hamas leaders will the demand for revenge lessen?

The hostages are obviously another major sticking point, will they be used as a bargaining tool to halt the siege? Thereā€™s not much point having hostages if you donā€™t use them for something.

Removing all Israelis forcibly from Gaza in 2005 inadvertently made things much harder for Palestinians there. Couldnā€™t be pounding them with rockets if they were there.

Iā€™m constantly seeing giving out about apartheid, but Iā€™m not sure what it means in this context, any explainers

Come now lads, get the spare room ready


I donā€™t think they can get out mate

One of the curveballs in this conflict could be a huge attack on U.S. entities, Jewish places of worship or Israeli embassies by Islamic terror groupings, freshly enraged by the incoming response from the Israeli leadership. Iā€™m not really a doomsday type figure, but I feel this current outbreak in the middle east has a far greater potential to explode on a global level than the Ukraine war, as the allies of both sides are far more temperamental than the allies in the Russia-Ukraine skirmish. Hopefully not, but the potential is there.

Better not fuck about with my Turkey club at the bagel factory

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A great sandwich. However, you should switch to the Reuben in solidarity.


A few years back wasnā€™t there an Israeli soldier released who had been held captive by Hamas for 5 years? They got over a thousand released from Israeli prisons in return. Iā€™d say this is a big goal for Hamas and they should get all the Hamas prisoners in Israeli jails released in return for the couple of hundred hostages. Ending the siege will be a bonus for them Iā€™d say.