A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


There’s one in lisdoonvarna.

Sounds like no ground invasion if hostages are handed back.

Nobody else getting involved either.

Some bit of hope it might diffuse its self.

They may be pretend Jews, but they have serious influence. Several universities including Harvard are running as fast as they can away from the “from the river to the sea” stance. Something about funding from rich alumni drying up this week, and the threat of no job offers to anyone with a Palestinian flag on their LinkedIn page.

It;s Ukraine you would feel sorry for, “whatever it takes, as long as it takes” has suddenly become “we are coming near to the end of the rope”. Ukrainian lobby not so strong as it turns out.

That “End Wokeness” Twitter account is fucking poison. The real intended message of that tweet is “Egypt won’t take in the Palestinians because the Palestinians are animals, they’re scum, in fact the Palestinians are such animals that Egypt goes to extraordinary lengths to keep them out.”. That’s a genocidal message.

America, amongst others, this country included, refused to take in Jewish refugees in the run up to the Holocaust. The logic of that “End Wokeness” Twitter account is that the Jews themselves were responsible for that.

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Lets be honest here the arab nations and Egypt in particular have treated the Palestinians terribly over the uears. Considering the conflict is religiously charged you would think its in their interest to support their own. As i said there is no good guys in this. Isreal are cunts but i dont agree with the rastooler version of support Palestine at all costs. What happened last week is beyond horrific. What is and will happen in gaza is equally as bad. But no one seems to want to defuse the situation, its pick a side and go killing the other. This is what the world has come to. As that degenerate Gandhi apparently said an eye for an eye makes the world blind

The dishonesty and hypocrisy on all sides is nauseating. This topic in public discourse is like a microcosm of all the worst aspects of the INTERNET. The discussion on this forum has actually been surprisingly civilised so far, probably the most civilised of anywhere I’ve seen.

This situation is now utterly intractable and can only end in a total victory for one side or the other. The hatred is too great. A total victory for one side or the other means the total humiliation of the loser and their effective genocide. The victorious side will obviously be Israel. But the price and the ramifications will be enormous and the world, especially Europe, will feel it deeply.

That’s very balanced.

Ukraine was nothing more to the US than bait to weaken Russia - as cynical, mercenary and unprincipled a venture as iraq or Cambodia


For the sake of the world, Trump can’t die quick enough, really he can’t. He’s probably going to win in 2024. The world is already pretty fucked, but it’s hard to overstate how much more fucked it’ll be if that happens.

I’d expect we should get ready to take a lot of Palestinian refugees

Stuff is horrendous.

Cool heads still prevailing…

Car crash stuff from the ambassador on Prime Time.


She was fairly destroyed there

Of course they were. The likes of @StoneCold only became supporters of Palestine once it became acceptable to lambaste the same hat that they were begging from in the US.

As if these lads give a fuck about Palestinians.


Yup i completely agree with everything you said there. Its completely unnecessary killing. I think the forum has been civil about it too as its as plain as the nose on your face, there are no winners here. Those who should be trying to stop this are throwing petrol onto the fire. Iran, russian and co baiting on hamas. Isreal, the US the other side. The Arabs, Saudi in particular are staying silent letting it happen. Culture war fanatics are somersaulting trying to find a position and dig in. The world is in a terrible place

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Do Israel produce the Iron Dome missiles themselves or do they buy them from an American company?