A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

well that’s bollocks

the siege is a violation of the Geneva convention. Let’s see if they’re held accountable

I’ll hazard a guess at No.

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I saw a car break a red light yesterday and no one held him accountable. Therefore laws don’t apply in reality.

When have they ever been held accountable

I’d imagine the threat of ground invasion allied to the statement asking people in North Gaza to move South immediately is a tactic by Israel to survey Hamas movements on their say so.

Israel must know a full scale invasion whilst appeasing radicals within its country now will only worsen general population sentiment towards a Government that allowed the Hamas attacks to happen in the first place.

What subject(s) are you strong on yourself glas?


I think Egypt are getting away in all this too soft.

They must be pressurised into opening their border to allow refugees cross and for those that are not willing to leave then it stand & fight as Israel will make their move regardless now you’d imagine.

Israel have the Terror Attack now as the excuse they need, Egypt should allow innocent civilians out and there can be no excuses not to.

It’s a sop. When they attack they’ll say we warned the civilians to get out of the way, not our fault they didn’t.

Borrel has said it now

this is new ground. The yanks won’t condemn them, the rhetoric around the NFL and what’s happening was sickening, if that’s an insight in to how the yanks view it

What we’re really seeing here is that America isn’t accountable under international law.

I made the mistake one time of unintentionally trying to approach said Mosque during prayers. both Israeli and Palestinian guards were very quick in pointing me in the opposite direction using the tops of their machine guns as helpful pointers to the direction off to where I should fcuk as quickly as I could. If anything happens there today it could get very very bad.


Really? 'Hey Egypt. Dont be a cunt. Open your borders there and let over a million prople in asap so we can utterly destroy their entire city…we promise they can come back after…honestly…would we lie to you? ’

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The mask has slipped here.

Shapps is like the rest of the Tory cabinet. Irredeemably stupid and irredeemably horrid.

I don’t think this counters Sid’s assertion in any way though. I think that of all “western” “democracies”, Israel least gives a fcuk.

I don’t see there being a ground invasion. Israel will continue to use air power to achieve its military goals. If Israel invades it will cause direct and identifiable loss of life on both sides during the invasion. It will be way worse after the ground invasion to either stay in Gaza or pull out. Similar to Beirut in 2006 a sustained air campaign will be as far as Israel will go.
Egypt will not open Rafah border. No amount of political pressure will cause that to happen.

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I think the opposite on both counts, we will see.

The way they’re going there won’t be anything left to invade.

This is very bad