A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Well, Russia. Israel is in breach of more security council resolutions than any other state, so you’re not far off anyway.

Sid’s criticism of international law is specious. X happened in breach of international law and no one was held accountable therefore all international law is pointless. It’s a silly and shallow hot take.

The “war on terror” was as clear a breach of international law as you’ll ever see, but, semantics.

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The most fascinating city in the world perhaps

it isn’t pointless, it’s vital, but it’s use as a political tool kind of makes it redundant, law should apply to every one equally, what’s happening in the middle East is callous. Uphold it or it becomes pointless

I’m not criticising international law. I’m saying that when the people who claim to be the guarantors of international law have no intention of holding those who flagrantly break it accountable because they’re “our ally who we will never, ever abandon, no matter what”, you have a problem.

The double standard becomes too obvious and you become morally discredited. This then breeds ultra-cynicism within populations and people turn to conspiracism and extremism.


Yeah I’d agree with that. But that horse has long bolted.

Here’s one for you: Robert maxwell’s last phone call was to Anthony blinken’s father in law

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…what does this have to do with anything?

It’s reported elsewhere that the murderer was shouting “Allahu Akbar”

Conor Mcgregor GIF by UFC

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…and again, what does this have to do with Israel/Palestine?

Tell me about it. Twitter has a lot to answer for.

Potential for religiously-motivated acts of violence/terrorism across the western world would presumably be the theory. It’s not that complex

Stop assuming a bunch of shit that nobody knows is true mate; there is enough of that bullshit online.

It’s laborious having to explain these concepts in explicit detail to you.

Hamas called for a “day of rage” across the world today so the presumption is that this could have been the rationale for the attack :man_shrugging:

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Sense of entitlement…