A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Get in one despicable act before Biden arrived tomorrow to chide them. Animals.

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And should do. Should stop a ground invasion too

I think there’s a reasonable chance at this stage that a ground invasion won’t happen, but the situation is very fluid, as they say.

Biden’s language in recent days has been better and indicates he’s trying to stop it. Israel were never going to be stopped inflicting mass terror on Gaza because that’s the way always operate, but if a ground invasion could be stopped, it would at least keep some sort of a lid on things. A ground invasion is potential World War level stuff. Israel has a duty to the world here. I hope that’s being rammed home.

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I’m not sure that video shows anything clearly

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If this happened, which it won’t, this whole overall thing since October 7th would work out as a comprehensive PR victory for Hamas.

18m ago / 7:11 PM IST

Hamas official says the group willing to release all civilian hostages in an hour if Gaza bombing stops

Richard Engel and Natalie Kainz

A senior Hamas official told NBC News that the group is willing to release all civilian hostages in one hour if Israel stops its bombing of Gaza.

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That’s a serious strategic play.

Puts Netanyahu in a very tricky spot.

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The audio seems pretty conclusive.

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Why don’t you think it will happen ?

That Daniel Levy chap who I linked to previously on this thread was on Channel 4 News this evening. He thinks Netanyahu is emotionally too far invested into this to be pulled back in the way he needs to be. The logical implication of that was that Netanyahu should be removed from power if he won’t resign.

He really should be too. Immediately.

If he gets clipped it could trigger a bad sequence of events. You’re basically gambling on who seizes power

It could still happen. We’re 10 days in now. Time passing matters. The hope is that Biden is knocking some sense into the Israelis. The airstrike on the hospital may or may not be evidence that that is happening - ie. the optimistic view is that it could be a horrific last strike before a pause - but optimistic views are usually wrong.

Netanyahu is too emotionally invested in getting hellish revenge because it was his incompetence that allowed the Hamas massacre to happen. He needs to go.

I would always believe the IDF without question!

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A failed Hamas rocket launch caused by a few kilograms of high explosives falling on it.

Sum the whole sorry scenario up in 3 messages

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It would seem anyway that the following are all in progress:

Demonstrations in Ramallah in the West Bank against Mahmoud Abbas, presumably on the basis of “you’re useless, you’re a sell out, we need to be more hardline”.

Massive demonstrations outside the Israeli embassies in Amman in Jordan and Ankara in Turkey.