A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Does anyone believe that ?

Guys I heard the Hamas boys bombed the hospital themselves

Is Boris doing their twitter?

I wouldnā€™t rule it out any more than i wouldnā€™t rule out Netanyahu letting the hamas attacks go ahead last weekend


The leadership on both sides of this are absolutely vile dangerous bastards.


Netanyahu is not coming out of this well at all. Heā€™ll be gone one way or the other soon enough

He has approval ratings around 29%

Heā€™s fucked. Good riddance

Being reported Israel embassy on fire in Jordan.

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Iā€™d amazed if any Hamas rocket could do damage like that on itā€™s own.

Youā€™d hope so. But itā€™s not more moderate Israel has been getting.

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The whole situation is fucked up. There is no winners here, just dead civilians on both sides

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He took his eye of the ball in Gaza and was focusing on Israel defending (illegal) settlements in the West Bank. The response times to Hamas attacks last week were shocking and he is directly responsible

It seems to me the most likely explanation is that the Israelis are running away from their handiwork here just like the Russians do.

It seems one of the major online Israeli booster accounts posted this soon after the bombing and then quickly deleted it. Iā€™m pretty sure this guy would have the inside track.

The propaganda pattern coming from other Israeli booster accounts seems well dodgy, fake photographs and unverified, undated videos of a supposed rocket misfiring being posted goodo.

A Hamas rocket would not cause an explosion like that on its own. Itā€™s theoretically possible that a rocket could be launched from elsewhere, misfire and land on a munitions dump right beside a hospital. I also happen to think itā€™s highly unlikely.

There are two possibilities, an air strike by the IDF or a rocket or rockets from Hamas or Islamic Jihad. I think itā€™s at least 20% of rocket launches land in Gaza. Given the scale of destruction also feasible a fuel depot or cache of rockets could have been hit. The IDF generally donā€™t give a fuck about civilian casualties, but targetting a hospital would be unprecedented even for them. You would hope carnage of this scale would sober both sides up, but thatā€™s probabky a bit too rational.

Israeli embassy in Ankara under attack too. Israeli govt have ordered all Israelis to leave Turkey asap. Would they instruct that if Hamas had blown up the hospital?

It was an IDF airstrike id say alright. Absolutely abhorrent vile carry on.

The pictures coming out are horrendous.

If the video @Cheasty posted earlier is of the actual missile strike, its one, clean, massive explosion. No secondary explosions like when other weapons dumps have been targetted.

The rockets Hamas are firing wouldnt have an impact like that. The aftermath of the rockets that landed in Ashkelon was pretty tame.

I donā€™t think carnage like this will sober anything. Its a touch paper to fucking bedlam. The islamists will be very, very angry. They wonā€™t believe hamas did it even if it was

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