A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Of Palestinians yes?

Israel are only an old misfortune it seems.

Where was it the US had a massive airstrike on a school or hospital? It should obviously be etched in everyones minds but i can’t even remember the country? Was it Yemen?

Where’ your evidence that happened? Did Hamas tell you?
There’s a war going on, the IDF are ruthless and in their campaign to wipe out Hamas they will kill civilians. Just like every army that fought any war in history. Civilian casualties are more likely when Hamas launch their missiles from apartment blocks and hide in tunnels ujder schools and hospitals.


The Foreign Minister @elicoh1 from the Likud with @amirivgi and @amirbarshalom: “At the end of this war, not only will Hamas no longer be in Gaza, the territory of Gaza will also decrease”

Sure blow up 1000 civilians to get 10 terrorists. That isnt an infinite loop at all

This one?
U.S. Airstrikes Destroyed a Hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. Six Years … U.S. Airstrikes Destroyed a Hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. Six Years Later, It Is Reopening. - WSJ

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It should really stop being called war. It should be called terrorism that isn’t held accountable by international law

So why is it that Israel only attacks Gaza after a rocket camapign starts? Or a slaughter like Oct 7th? If Israel wanted to commit genocide they would start with the 2 million Arabs mostly Palestinian that live in Israel surely?

It’s fascinating the love affair that Europeans have with Islamic terrorists. It’s as if Manchester, London and the Batalclan never happened.

No surproise that it’s the Limericks leading the anti semitic charge, the home of Ireland’s only Jewish pogram, even got there before Hitler.

Yeah that’s a check out point for me. You’re looking for maximum bite from someone. Have a good night.


At the end of all this, which will be God knows when, Hamas will be stronger, the West Bank will have erupted into chaos, the cause of Islamist extremism will have been immeasurably strengthened in the world, Israel will be hated internationally and life for Jewish people internationally will be made much harder.

Revenge without a plan is no plan, as the US found out. “We have to do something” is not a plan. If you don’t know what exactly you have to do and how to achieve it realistically - and Israel clearly doesn’t know - you’re better off doing nothing.

Nobody would give a fuck if Israel got a few lads from Mossad to take out Ismael Haniyeh and a few other top people in Hamas. Why don’t they do that?

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Who’s going to hold Israel accountable? Russia? China? Iran? North Korea? Saudi?
Take your pick.

Have a good night fella. Someone else might go down the rabbit hole with you there

The people held there have either already been attacked elsewhere?

Someones skull cap is on too tight this afternoon.

Of he course he does, have you read any of his shite before?

Hamas have received $20 billion in aid in the past 2 decades, maybe they should spend it on improvong the lives of their own people rather than buying rockets from Iran and launching them into Israel?

So we have a war where one side (“team” according to Biden), slaughters civilians including the elderly and children, takes hostages, and launches unguided rockets into cities, yet you expect Israel to fight a clean war and ensure nio civilians are harmed?

That’s what Ukraine is expected to do.

Why has Israel killed a couple of hundred Palestinians in the West Bank in the months leading up to the Hamas attack? Why are they building illegal settlements for Israelis on Palestinian land in the West Bank?

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