A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Of course they should, but the people of gaza have already been imprisoned and attacked, or their parents and grandparents have been attacked and ā€˜placedā€™ there. I dont think the Israelis deserve any credit for only bombing them when hamas bomb the israelis.


Because they are cunts, surrounded by other cunts.

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The fact that Israel need to be so tooled up military to defend themselves consistently seems to be forgotten by most.

They are under constant threat but their attitude to the Palestinian population and the pillaging of land is in no way defendable either.

Israelā€™s general treatment of the civilians of Palestine is atrocious but the Arab nations arenā€™t exactly too bothered either until Israel flex their military muscles.

Two ignorant powers squeezing the Palestinian people into oblivion

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The Arab countries have shown zero interest in helping the Palestinians since 1948, other than arming them. Europeans should reflect on the fact that in their generosity they have taken in millions of refugees from Syria and elsewhere, and the rich Arab nations refuse to take any Palestinian refugees. That tells you all you need to know, they are fine with arming them but God forbid any would be allowed into their countries.


A very good point.

Israel and his secret service & intelligence gathering abilities have been lauded for decades.

Itā€™s a nation with endless amounts of money to spend on developing state of the art weapons but they cannot infiltrate Hamas?

It appears like with most wars that someone is quite happy to be in the midst of chaos for either financial or political gain here.

The queue of the whoā€™s which are benefiting must be quite long I imagine.

For sure those happy donā€™t care for the suffering or sufferers.

Itā€™s cunt acting of the highest order.

They want Israel weakened and are delighted to see this whole thing play out dirtier and uglier.

Thatā€™s victim blaming. Was it the fault of Jews that America, Ireland and other countries didnā€™t take them in before the Holocaust happened?

Well this is very bad.

Jesus Christ

Why is it ā€˜private backingā€™, why is it in quotes? I canā€™t read the article. Is it open backing? Was it supposed to be private but was leaked?

A Palestinian official made the point earlier that two of the creations of the international community were Israel and a rules based system & both come into conflict as no compatible.

Itā€™s true. The reality is that we have avoided long tail situations like this generally because of things like ethnic cleansing- distasteful as it may be.

The Israelis are cunts but played more by the rules than the Palestinians and their neighbouring countries for their first 25 years.

They degenerated into awful cunts since and it just doesnā€™t seem possible for there to be a solution here.

Iā€™d say in 20 years thereā€™ll he some international community offer to give them their own state somewhere else if they want to move. Possibly what Israel have been thinking long term as we reach the point that people around in 1948 with a memory will be dead.

Itā€™s fascinating to watch @Cheasty still bat for that imbecile Biden.

Is it credible to believe any US backing isnā€™t being rubber stamped by UAE & other Arab countries?

I imagine the citizens of gaza would be outraged if they thought they were being bombed by trump and not cuddly woke joe

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It all smells of bullshit hopefully.

If Israel have the intelligence to locate the hostages then this seems strange.

Are they trying to bully Hamas into negotiating

Yes. Those countries donā€™t want this.

Iā€™d say Biden himself is probably against the invasion but the Israelis themselves are utterly intent on it and the way the US-Israel relationship works is that the US never publicly expresses anything less than 100% support for Israel.

It will be a disaster if it goes ahead.

I think Benjamin is just trying to avoid prison. Biden has found a road out of Ukraine and the neoconservatives get to have their long longed for war with iran.

Iā€™d say this is spot on and half the reason the boys flew under the radar on Oct 7th.

Heā€™s a seriously bad Cunt who is avoiding prison whilst no doubt feathering his nest too