A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Al Jazeera are reporting from the West Bank alright. It looks terrible alright but they are only reporting on Israeli going in hard on locals that are locked down.

Not much mention of reprisals.

It’s excellent, gripping and depressing. We have to face up to the fact that politics and governments are a very bad idea. I’m after buying a couple of hundred quids worth of stuff on aliexpress, they’re tied in with the tans customs and excise so that all taxes etc are paid at the point of purchase. Meanwhile channel 4 is telling me that the chinese are the greatest threat to glenshane ever…despite all the cool shit they’re only after selling to me


no thank god - was in may for few weeks , no plans to head back any way permanently to live

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yes that’s only minor tho, it is Otzmah Yehudit’s link to Kach ( a terrorist organsisation) that i find utterly atrocious.
He is the most dangerous man in Israel today, has Netanyahu by the balls with Belazel Shmortich

ah well look, Al Jazeera is based in Doha and Imael Haniyeh is in Doha… mind you since Shireen Abu Akleh was shot earlier this year alledgely by the IDF we cant expect Al Jazeera to report objectively… some of their stuff is super tho but a lot is like GB News or Israel Channel 14

Israel don’t appear willing to take responsibility for that or acknowledge it really.

I didn’t find the Al Jazeera OSINT investigation of the hospital explosion very convincing at all.

Yemen is a long way away from Israel lads.

How do Iran supply organisations in Yemen without getting weapons in through Saudi Arabia?

Yuval Noah Harari

Oct 18, 2023

On August 14, 1941, during one of the darkest periods of World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill published the Atlantic Charter. While the swastika flag was flying over the Eiffel Tower and the Acropolis; while Londoners were living in fear of Luftwaffe bombers; and while Nazi tanks were storming toward Moscow, Roosevelt and Churchill looked to the future, and in the Atlantic Charter mapped how they envisioned the world looking after the defeat of Nazism.

The Charter declared that the victorious Allies would not use their triumph to expand their territories, would recognize nations’ rights to self-determination and democratic rule, and would redraw national borders only with the agreement of the local populations. The Charter called for increased global cooperation to improve the lives of all human beings, and to enable all people to live in freedom from fear, violence, and poverty.

The Charter’s ideals were never fully implemented, but they constituted the foundation for a new and better global order, and they explained to millions of Allied soldiers and civilians what they were fighting for and why they were risking their lives. The Atlantic Charter helped to pave the way to the demise of imperialism; the drive toward equality for women, Blacks, Jews, LGBTQ people and other minorities; and also to the establishment of the State of Israel.

In August 1941, Roosevelt and Churchill didn’t just talk vaguely about the need “to destroy Nazism.” Similarly, today, Israelis urgently require something deeper and more constructive than a vague promise “to destroy Hamas.” We need an Israeli Charter, to explain how our lives will look after victory is achieved, and the positive goals for which millions of soldiers and civilians are being required to risk and even sacrifice their lives.

Residents of Be’eri and Sderot, of Kfar Azza and Ofakim, need to know that after the victory, the government will unite them and care for their safety, instead of inciting divisions between them – and abandoning all. Non-Jewish citizens of Israel – like the families of Lt. Col. Alim Saad, who fell in battle on the Lebanese front, Abd al-Rahman al-Nasasara, who was murdered by terrorists when he tried to rescue survivors, and Awad Darawshe, who was killed while driving an ambulance – must know that after the victory, they will enjoy full equality. Millions of women who are struggling to hold together families, communities and military positions – like Rachel Edri, who saved her family from the terrorists, Border Police soldier Shifra Buchris, who saved dozens from being massacred, and Lt. Col. Or Ben Yehuda, a battalion commander who has been leading her men and women in battle in recent days – need to know that after the victory, they will not be sent back to the kitchen or enclosed behind screens and veils. LGBTQ soldiers, like Capt. (res.) Sagi Golan, who fell in battle at Be’eri a week before he was due to marry his boyfriend, must know that their relationships will be fully recognized by the state, and that after the victory they will be able to marry officially in the state for which they risk their lives.

LGBTQ soldiers, like Capt. (res.) Sagi Golan, who fell in battle at Be’eri, must know that their relationships will be fully recognize, and that after the victory they will be able to marry officially in the state for which they risk their lives.Credit: From TailorMed’s Facebook page

Parents need to know that after the victory, schools will teach kids values of peace and love, rather than just war and hate. Journalists, influencers, poets and thinkers need to know that both when the cannons roar and when the cannons fall silent, the muses will never be silenced. Even Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, whom Israel requires to show restraint and condemn Hamas, need to know that after Hamas is defeated, a victorious Israel will offer them its hand in peace, and will not exploit that victory to expel them from their lands or trample their rights.

And if this government does dream of exploiting victory to annex territories, forcefully redraw borderlines, expel populations, ignore rights, censor speech, realize messianic fantasies or turn Israel into a theocratic dictatorship – we need to know it now. Don’t tell us that these are divisive issues that should wait until victory is secured; or that there is just no time now to talk about the future. If Roosevelt and Churchill found time in August 1941 to speak about the distant future, our emergency government can do the same. There is consensus in Israel that Hamas must be disarmed, but what about the future of Israel? Netanyahu, Gantz, Eisenkot and other government members: Tell us immediately what the long-term goals of this war are, so we know what we are risking and perhaps sacrificing our lives for.

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C4 News suggesting the explosion at the hospital the other night was caused by something which came from the north east rather than the south west as the Israelis claim. There isn’t much room north east of the hospital before you go into Israel. Will be interesting to see if they can do any more digging on this.

Hamas claim to have released two American hostages.

@Cheasty you said early in this that Channel 4 and Al Jazerra were two reputable sources to follow, now both have cast serious doubt on Israelis claims around the hospital explosion.

Al Jazeera are reasonably reputable but definitely have a bias. I didn’t think their “forensic” investigation was great.

The C4 stuff is more interesting though. They’re definitely chipping away at the Israeli narrative.

I’d like to know exactly where the Al Jazeera camera that caught the explosion was located.


non stop rockets all evening in the usual circle, ashkelon, sderot, up as far as Ashdod.
kiryat Shmona in the north had been evactuated so that’s a sign of the next step also with Hisbollah,
The hospital or hospital car park or whatever on Tuesday night is awfully grim stuff, you couldnt have much mass in what Al Jazeera say on these things tbh as their bias would be similar to channel 14 in Israel… mind you quickly rattled together cheap IDF publications also wouldnt be too reliable
It seems to have been swept under the carpet tho…

she sent me this , again, yeah who knows , its apparantly a live blogger in Gaza city and has been doing the rounds… now its also likely the IDF could rattle that together , who knows, the key points are in red, she read it and said translation is good

Good PR move. Hamas are winning the media battle at least

President Biden is working his magic

Not soiling or wetting himself is magic at this stage.

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