A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Jeremy Bowen on BBC Radio 4 this morning says itā€™s very likely.


This ladyā€™s tweets have been popping up in my timeline the last few days with various stories from the massacres.

Utterly horrific and heartbreaking stuff. Itā€™s not difficult to see why across Israel there is a rage and such a thirst for a response - even if itā€™s probably against their own long-term interests.


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Has anyone in Israel got to the bottom of how in the hell these lads had 5000 rockets and hundreds of jihadis breach the most secure country on earth almost in terms of intelligence and defence structures?
You had lads hang gliding in ffs. The same IDF shoot kids on the beach playing soccer - how in the hell did it happen


I canā€™t understand it. No reasonable explanation has been given either really.

but yer within a few hours of a hospital bombing they can ā€œproduceā€ evidence of a supposed phone call.

Was this not a pointer towards what happened?

The fact that mossad and the IDF completely missed the attack on the 7th October is bizarre mate.

@mickee321 might correct me if Iā€™m wrong but I think Mossad look after the foreign side of things while an agency called Shin Bet look after the internal intelligence, so any failures would be on them.

A massive fuck up at best.

You wouldnā€™t know what to believe

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i covered it as best as i could above maybe last week - sorry it was a very long post- im not good at short ones as they loose context
Ben Gvir and Shmotich used their influence to create absolute chaos in the WB and as a result 75% of the IDF was stationed there . Gaza has been very quite since 2021, the belief was that Hamas were concentrating on building the economy, restrictions were loosened and there was a vast increase in work permits issued for Gazans to work in israel.
At the same time netanayahu was fighting to save his own skin politically, he needed the support of the messianic, far right ultra natonalist parties whose agenda is primarily antagonisation of the PA, expansion of settlements and turning the rest of israel into a religous Kahnist theocray and basically neglected security on the Gazan border.
The Shin Bet who have Hamas completly infiltrated told him of the kibbutz Hamas had built in Rafah but it was assumed just to be another Hamas training center.
There is a school of thought that some MOD kept information from Netanyahu knowing their would be an attack just to discredit him politciallyā€¦ either way he is responsible for the negligence


yes Shin Bet a very dangerous organisation, rememeber that Netanyahu fired the minister of defense recently as he went against his autocracy and was now forced to reinstate him in the war cabinet.
Those folks in general hate Netanyahu.

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Are you over in Israel at the moment?

The situation in the west bank lads has been atrocious last 18 months, it simply dosent get reported in the news here but there are shootings, car jackings and murders almost daily- read about the settler violence in Huwara and UmmSafa, its awful, then you have families stabbed to death by some islamic jihad, a father and his kids shot at a gas stationā€¦ the fucking Ben Gvir came in, ordered the police into Al Aqsa during Ramadan, the arabs went nutsā€¦ increased the rhetoric and there was chaos , as a result all security was focused in the WB as the threat of a third Intifada was very realā€¦ and it still is

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in other news N12 israel just reported that the pentagon said they shot down missiles fired from yemen towards Israelā€¦

sheā€™s watching it here, now its the channel4 news . gaurdian of israeli media so it may be balderdash but they are usually spot on most things

Yeā€™re hunkered down in meath somewhere so. Stay safe.

He seems to be a total headbanger.

Ben Gvir's ministry to buy 10,000 guns for civilian security teams | The Times of Israel.

Would there be less weaponry, rockets etc in the WB? Have the Palestinian authorities been keeping a lid on things there?