A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

What a fucking moron.

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Who is Dan Hodges?

Its funny that the a lot of the people who are protesting in support for Palestine are calling for protests against immigration and educational literature for minors on lgbt issues to be banned.

Both have incorrect views on banning protests. Peaceful protests should always be allowed and remain peaceful and respectful. If wveryone agreed on aomething than you wouldnt need to protest

Are they? That isnā€™t my impression.

Where are you getting this from? Seems extremely unlikely to me.

Surely youā€™re not accusing the right wing savants of making stuff up


Mainly from what i see, the jump on the layest cause bandwagon

Most civilised people can see the barbarity and sheer futility of what is happening. It looks hopeless, and supporting israel and sympathising with israel just look incompatible now. Hamas canā€™t be dealt with and the US have completely deserted the diplomatic stage.
Maybe this belt and road conference in china will lead to a UN resolution that might make a difference- europe and the US will block it no matter what it looks like.

There has to be a peaceful way to avoid more violence. Isreal going in is a bad option, so is bombing the shit out of gaza. The other Arab nations should be looking to remove hamas and put in a government not hell bent killing isrealis. The status quo is just an endless circle of misery


I can only assume this is very bad news.

Head off to bed and donā€™t be worrying yourself chief

Disappointed in italy tbh. I even held out hope for macron. Rishi is boris in disguise, joe is a thug and trudeau is a bit of a naziā€¦there is a world elsewhere

Itā€™s some shit show

He who pays the piper calls the tune.

A fascinating part of the reporting/media is the constant pleas for humanitarian aid, you hear it on Irish radio constantly. Not enough aid is getting through, pleas for countries to do more. Israel bomb the place to pieces, killing thousands of people, destroying roads and all organised infrastructure, then thereā€™s reports of the West not providing enough humanitarian aid. Send more money to Palestine. Aid trucks are not getting through. Later that night Israel destroy more of the place, kill more people. Pleas on Irish radio the next day to send more humanitarian aid. Itā€™s insane.


Humanitarian aid is the new ventilators is the new javelin missiles. A simple and sellable concept for an infantile dishonest media to peddle