A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Thanks mate, will you keep us posted?

We arw facing ww3

This has been obvious for years but no harm restating it.

We’ll be in lock down within 3 months. All supplies will run out within six months.

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Israel nothing more than a buffer zone & Palestinians completely expendable

I don’t follow what you mean by Israel being a “buffer zone”.

The Palestinians are definitely completely expendable to Russia, China and Iran. Russia, China and Iran don’t give a single fuck about the Palestinians.

So the rocket that hit the hospital was fired from within Gaza itself, wasn’t the Israelis at all then?

von der leyen not really getting it. the tone and content of the response is all wrong

EU chief ‘to engage’ with staff over Middle East stance (rte.ie)

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She responded as Germany.

Give it to 98 year old Jacques Delors t’end a season.

I don’t think this one will be defused.

Any chance this ground invasion is just a massive ploy for them to get something from all these other nations asking them not to invade? Its like the boy who cried wolf at this stage every day.

Who’s asking them not to invade ? The bloody yanks and Britain are supporting them

Surely if the ground invasion goes ahead, any chance of more hostages being released or found alive vanishes.

There are 212 families (or whatever the number is) who are desperately hoping their loved ones will get out alive. If Netanyahu under pressure from the total headbangers beside him decides to steam in, those hostages are dead, and those families will not be silenced.

This is why hostage taking is such a devastating tactic.

There are definitely private conversations being had here from Washington that are expressing less than full support for an invasion.

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You’d hope this is a positive sign of some sort of choreographed de-escalation


Be grand mate

Mate you need to relax. You’re in danger of escalating matters