A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Iā€™d say they couldnā€™t care less. Any publicity is already out there -for good or for bad.

Theyā€™ll pay the bill and move on.


Might be happy to be rid of her too.

I doubt theyā€™ll be overly concerned indeed but the employee might like to have the public hearing. It would do no harm for them to be checked/reprimanded by a public body either.

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Dunnes Stores have a similar attitude to the WRC.

Budget for payouts each year and then donā€™t contest. Move on.

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Thatā€™ll do it mate.

Her workmates will appreciate her virtue signalling even more then.


Bit of a shitty comment to call it virtue signalling.

Irish twitter is a nawful place.

The released hostages arenā€™t sticking to the script and arenā€™t helping the Israeli cause.


Expand ?

Describing how the initial abduction was brutal but once they were in captivity they were treated well, with regular food, doctors visits etc and blamed Israeli for ignoring the warning signs of the impending attack.

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:zap::palestinian_territories: Regarding one of the released Israeli grandmas.

  1. Sky News claimed that she was hit by sticks by Hamas fighters when she was kidnapped, she said this did not happen, Sky news then deleted the tweet.

  2. She said they treated us with respect, and dignity, and kindness

  3. She did not witness any war crimes in her settlement

  4. She admitted that she was almost shelled by Israeli airstrikes/artillery, and it terrified her.

RTE News has a video up on Insta of her giving a high 5 to the Hamas lads releasing her

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So you work for an Israeli company with most of itā€™s 4500 employees in Israel. Israel suffers the worst terrorist attack in itā€™s history, 1400 people slaughered in their homes, including the elderly and infants. Women brutally raped and then murdered, over 200 hostages taken. You choose that week to post pro Palestinian anti Israeli messages on LinkedIn. Then you complain about being terminated.

And you have utter morons on here defending her.


Free-speech advocate Dumdum reporting for duty :smiley:


Stockholm Syndrome

Ffs sake - psychology 101.

No surprise chief moron Jew hater is doubling down.

There is no right to free speech in the private workplace, if you offend your company and fellow employees publically (and on LinkedIn with the company logo on your profile :joy:) then expect to be terminated.

Thereā€™s not a single post in the replies that defends her?


When has that ever stopped a debate on here before? Things dont have to be actually be said for lads to argue against.