A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

What a guy.

In July 1995, Netanyahu led a mock funeral procession featuring a coffin and hangman’s noose at an anti-Rabin rally where protesters chanted, “Death to Rabin”.[10][11] The chief of internal security, Carmi Gillon, then alerted Netanyahu of a plot on Rabin’s life and asked him to moderate the protests’ rhetoric, which Netanyahu declined to do.[8][12] Netanyahu denied any intention to incite violence.[2][3][13]

Nothing strange about it when you see him for what he is.

Allegedly over 300 children killed in Gaza in the past 24 hours


Terrible. Absolutely horrendous in fact.

Hamas Ministry of Health wouldn’t be the most reliable, but it’s a shocking total if anywhere near true.

Reports of a gun battle after Hamas soldiers landed on a beach in Ashkelon

RTE news : Israeli envoy calls on UN chief to resign over comments


I can’t stop reading this as fuckin Askeaton!


This reaction is bonkers. They’ve lost the run of themselves completely.

Israelis are a touchy enough bunch

After the hospital fiasco it’s hard to regard casualty figures from them with any sort of credibility.

It’s unfortunate because the truth is shocking enough.

Numbers are too high if a fraction of the numbers quoted.

Israel could have set their embargo on Gaza by shutting off supplies claiming it was a response to Hamas and at least civilians could have blamed Hamas.

Carpet bombing areas with scant regard for innocent civilians does nothing but inspire hatred and further boost Hamas following.

Israel was rightly outraged at the loss of life on their side but eye for eye behaviour has never nor will achieve anything.

They are taking their chance to cleanse the area.

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Just not the same when you do it mate


Was less to do with annoying you as it was to do with stealing his thunder.

I’ll leave ye two to it

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Israel says it will ban UN staff after secretary general’s comments | Israel-Hamas war | The Guardian

Israel says it has refused visa to UN official to ‘teach them a lesson’

Israel says it has refused a visa to UN humanitarian affairs chief Martin Griffiths as a result of comments at the UN by secretary-general AntĂłnio Guterres.

Israeli media reports that Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan said on army radio:

Due to his remarks we will refuse to issue visas to UN representatives. We have already refused a visa for under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs Martin Griffiths. The time has come to teach them a lesson.

Israel has called on UN secretary general Guterres to resign after he said that the“appalling attacks”by Hamas against Israel on 7 October cannot justify the “collective punishment of the Palestinian people”, and spoke of “the clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing in Gaza.”

Guterres had said “Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians – or the launching of rockets against civilian targets. All hostages must be treated humanely and released immediately and without conditions.”

UN chief expresses concern over 'clear violations of international law' in Gaza – video


UN chief expresses concern over ‘clear violations of international law’ in Gaza – video

Addressing the UN, the secretary-general then went on to say the attack on Israel did not happen “in a vacuum” and followed “56 years of suffocating occupation” for the Palestinian people by Israel, adding “They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.”

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, said Guterres should resign, calling the speech “shocking”, saying that “he views the massacre committed by Nazi Hamas terrorists in a distorted and immoral manner”.


shes likely to get a payout, as in over 50% of cases in he WRC, because the company dismissed her without following employment law.

this isnt the states, we have fair procedures and we dont have at will employment.

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