A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Hitler and Goebbels walk into a bar and order two pints. The bar man, shocked, asks “Are you Hitler?”
“Yes” he responds. “Goebbels and I were cryogenically frozen after the war and now we are back. This time we are going to take over the world, kill 10 million Jews and 2 postmen”
The barman is reeling, he stammers “w’wwwhy 2 postmen?”
Hitler turns around excitedly “See Goebbels, I vos right! They still don’t give a fuck about the jews”

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its ok, martin and well known employment lawyer leo varadkar have given us carte blanche

leo said: “Under Irish employment law, it is not okay to dismiss somebody because of their political views.”

Martin said: “Employees generally should be allowed their individual viewpoints. We live in a democracy here, we tolerate debate, freedom of speech and freedom of opinion”.

Nothing to do with at will employment, the only question is did the company have reasonable and legal grounds to dismiss her. There’s obviously a reason why 50% of WRC cases do not get a payout, maybe this will be one of them?.

We will see how it pans out and if the company even fight it, but offending 90% of your fellow employees publically using the company logo in your profile would seem reasonable grounds for dismissal.

again, youre missing the point: let me make it simple for you, i could go up to the secretary general of the department and punch her in the face and i was summarily dismissed with any sort of deviation from a disciplinary hearing or with any appearance of lack of fair procedures and an opportunity to put forward my case, then it would be unfair dismissal. what i did was most definitely gross misconduct but you still have to observe the legal requirements or its an unfair dismissal.

same applies in the wix case, even more so when you consider the urgings of the company for staff to have one view of the conflict.


Employees have very little rights in the good old states. You can arrive one morning to find your access badge not working and your belongings waiting for you

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It’s not just have they reasonable grounds to fire her, it’s also have they adhered to the correct dismissal process. It’s not clear from the article I read if they did or not. If they didn’t the WRC would almost certainly rule in her favour regardless of what she did.

you cant blame the poor chap for getting confused, sure he only gets 10 days holidays per year and hes encouraged not to take them.

Works both ways, an employee can decide not to show up tomorrow and give no notice.

I’m sure he’s an expert on Irish employment law already Art.

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It’s more like twenty eyes for an eye :slightly_frowning_face:

If the reporting on the case is correct, she was spoken to by managemnet and took down the posts. She subsequently put up more posts. Sounds to me like they followed reasonable process, warned her about her conduct and gave her the chance to rectify it.

you think because they gave her a warning, that they can just summarily dismiss her? youd be very wrong. they still have to follow the process set out in the disciplinary procedures and also to follow irish employment law and fair procedures. which it sounds very much like they didnt

and everyone ends up blind

Rabin was shot by Yigal Amir in 1995, who did Amir follow? Meir Kahane
in 1994 Baruch Goldstein shot a load of people at the Mosque in Hebron, who did he follow ? Meir Kahane
What Israeli far right fringe movement follow Kahnsim and roots in Kach? Otzma Yehudit
Did that far right party get one set in the 2021 election? yes
Given the absolute chaotic state of the political sphere who did Netanyahu have to turn to in order to hold the balance of power in the Knesset and save himself from prosecution? Two people , the Otzma Yedudit MK and also another far right lunactic called Belazel Shmortich
who is the Otzma Yehudit MK who was a member or kach ( a terror org in the Israel ) who now is a key member of Bibi’s cabintet and has used his infuence to cause utter chaos in the WB and massive internal tension…? Itamar Ben Gvir

Who stoked up enormous sectarian tension in the west bank and had 70% of the IDF stationed there protecting settlers who were atagonising all around them ? Itamar Ben Gvir

Who influenced Netanyahu and the defense minister to remove IDF columns from Gaza where they were stationed to prevent attacks on the most liberal .left wing, peaceful, anti netanyahu, anti settler mixed israeli population like that lady who was released on Tuesday, the irish lad whose 8 year was murdered and the countless kids cut up with machetes, cooked in overns and whose parents are in a morgue in Ramle unidentifiable as Hamas shot them or cut off their faces… well you’ve guessed it… Itamar Ben Gvir…



Even taking “eye for an eye” type justice, as described on the Babylonian stele, it’s supposed to be the perpetrator who suffers the retribution.
In this case, it’s women children, elderly, infirm and frightened innocents. And America cheering them on because there’s an election looming.
It’s like the morals of bill Clinton gleefully attaching himself to the execution of a man who believed in Santa Claus, (and who saved some of his last meal to eat later), just because he thought it gave him a better chance of election, and never giving it a second thought thereafter. It’s like Obama celebrating the live extermination of Osama bin Laden,Psychopaths.


Best of luck getting a recommendation

Unless you are a Bourke


Did he really pull divisions off the Gaza border in advance of the attacks?

They were in West Bank I think it was reported

I wouldn’t recommend walking out, but in the current tight labor market references aren’t really much of an issue. Other than the details of prior roles and responsibilities, recruiters don’t even ask about why you left prior employer, and HR generally steer clear as well and just ask for verification of employment.
It’s a whole new world, employees have a lot of leverage if they have the desired skill sets.