A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

There will be plenty to go around for Europe too. The after effects of this will be felt for a generation. Ultimately UK and US have emboldened Israel. People might say ah shur it would be worse if Trump or Johnson were in there. Yeah maybe if they dropped a nuke. But by any standards or levels of analysis I cant see how the situation could be any worse than it is for Palestinians than it is now.


The Palestinians are dogged. They’re used to death. They’ll use all of this. It’ll only strengthen them. Unless the Israelis flush the tunnels with a killer gas, which wouldn’t surprise me as they’ve seemed to learn a lot of scum tactics from their aggressors of old.

This will likely be remembered as a historic abomination and historic disaster that dwarfs Iraq. Israel cannot eliminate Hamas in Gaza without a final solution for Gaza. That will inflame the West Bank and the rest of the Arab and Islamic world. The West Bank will then “need” to be the subject of a final solution. All of the west will be a target for Islamism - but Israel will be insulated. And it will not have happened in a vacuum. And Jews around the world will be a particular target.

Bush was warned that the Iraq War “would create 100 new Bin Ladens”. This will create many more than that. Violent Islamist ideology will become more and more the dominant strain of Islam as a reaction to all this.

The mistakes being made here will echo for decades, perhaps centuries. All because Israel used the ultimate moral blackmail, the Holocaust, to silence the west for many decades while it slowly turned into a monster which will end up destroying the west, with the west both eating itself over its spectacular moral failure and being eaten by actors which hate freedom , both internal and external.

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The fact that the jordanians, Egyptians and turks have no interest in talking to the US speaks volumes about the moral direction of biden, blinken and the rest of the psychopaths running the current administration. Even the Saudis are dismayed at their behaviour.

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Any word from tony blair, bill gates or the clinton foundation? They were there for humanity during covid

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The irony is that this guy wouldn’t sound out of place on the platform at Auschwitz directing new arrivals to the ‘showers.’

This wouldn’t have happened under Trump, Biden and the rest of those scumbags like Blinken have given Israel the green light

Spot on…

The ramifications of Israel’s escalation are worrying and plays directly into Hamas & terrorist ground hands.

Leadership is lacking everywhere.

The ethnic cleansing of the West Bank is happening under cover of the attack on Gaza.




Reports from Gaza of operations and amputations including on kids without anaesthetic.

Israel are going to systematically level Gaza with a million children trapped inside.

Fully supported by Joe Biden

Politicians who are up in arms over people being mis pronouned and standing by letting this happen sums up the modern world. This is all about commerce now and any country who breaks rank will feel America’s ire.


Any news on Web Summit since?


I think you’ll find that the people who insist on deliberately mis-gendering other people and most buy into the right wing culture war tend to be the people who are most in favour of the genocide of the Palestinians.

The below article is genocidal frenzy. Insanity.

It’s time to rip off the Hamas band-aid

Opinion: In the wake of recent events, Israel cannot be satisfied with any other goal than the elimination of Hamas in Gaza as a military and governing body; Anything less would be an Israeli failure

Giora Eiland|10.12.23 | 22:32

The simple truth is that the writing was on the wall. Two months ago, I wrote that the historians who will write about 2023 will not believe what our leaders were engaged in - petty, almost despicable matters when the writing was on the wall, and it was.

In the wake of recent events, Israel cannot be satisfied with any other goal than the elimination of Hamas in Gaza as a military and governing body. Anything less would be an Israeli failure.

For twenty years, Israel refrained from formalizing this goal. Now, it is essential to define the strategies and understand the options.

One option is a massive and complex ground operation, with no regard to duration and cost, while the second option is to create conditions where life in Gaza becomes unsustainable.

Israel has already begun suspending the supply of diesel, fuel, electricity, and water, as well as closing the border crossings. Yet, it remains uncertain whether these measures are enough.

Israel issued a stern warning to Egypt and made it clear that it would not permit humanitarian aid from Egypt to enter Gaza. Israel needs to create a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, compelling tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands to seek refuge in Egypt or the Gulf.


In order for this to happen, Israel needs to demand four key points with greater determination than ever before:

  1. The entire population of Gaza will either move to Egypt or move to the Gulf. From our perspective, every building in Gaza known to have Hamas headquarters underneath, including schools and hospitals, is considered a military target.

  2. Every vehicle in Gaza is considered a military vehicle transporting combatants. Therefore, there is no vehicular traffic, and it does not matter whether it is transporting water or other critical supplies.

  3. The UN secretary-general has initiated humanitarian aid to Gaza. The Israeli condition for any aid should be a visit by the Red Cross to Israeli hostages and especially the civilians among them. Until this happens, no aid of any kind will be permitted to enter into Gaza.

  4. Intermediators with both diplomatic and military experience will be required to explain in detail these concepts to the rest of the world. It will not be possible to remove Hamas without exerting pressure and if the Americans do not receive a clear and detailed explanation from Israeli officials and understand that Israel has no choice. It is comparable to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which led to the launch of an atomic bomb in Japan.

As a result, Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist, and I say this as a means rather than an end. I say this because there is no other option for ensuring the security of the State of Israel. We are fighting an existential war.

  • Giora Eiland is a senior research associate at the Institute for National Security Studies and former head of the Israeli National Security Council.