A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Europe has taken a lot more refugees from the Middle East than Egypt or Saudi Arabia

Europe is the cause of a lot more problems in thre middle east than either of those states

Undoubtedly but countries like Egypt & Saudi Arabia are happy to sit back and watch mayhem unfold too.

The Palestinians civilians are cannon fodder in the eyes of all surrounding countries. There is outrage only when Israel flex their muscles.

Egypt keeping their border closed throughout all that as gone on is equally as brutal as Israelā€™s aggression

There was outrage also from every rational person towards Hamasā€™ attack on the 7th October against Israel. It was absolutely abbhorent. I do wonder - I wonā€™t say question as it offends some posters here but how was that missed on the IDF/Mossad side.

Nevertheless, Hamas though now of course are using their civilian population as blatant human shields but sadly Nethanyahuā€™s government have no problem with that.

Looks like itā€™s a full scale offensive


Israel bombed the pass to egypt last week

Theyā€™re some fools if they intend anything more than a bit of muscle flexing. I think theyā€™ll establish some sort of a presence in nowhere in particular or else pull back again in half a day.
The US are itching to get at iran. Iran attacking either Israel or a US ship would be manna from heaven for victoria and co

Iran wonā€™t budge

They wonā€™t have much say in the matter. Wmd etc



The un security council has responsibility for peace and security. Itā€™s disfunctional and not fit for purpose because of the veto power the five permanent members have, though only USA China and Russia (mostly Russia) actually use it.

45 countries abstained, including australia and the UK, why are you fixated on Ukraine?



Wix is very racist. This is genuinely racist as fuck.

ā€œSupport Israel, we look like you white westerners, not like them horrible brown people!ā€ Apartheid South Africa would have been proud.


Biden rang Johnson when he got wind of it and told him to go Kiev immediately and put a stop to it, heā€™s an utter cunt and warmonger

This is truly chilling


You might be hearing analysts compare the Israel assault on Gaza to the US-led coalition assault on Mosul to clear ISIS in 2016-2017 or Falluja in 2004. Iā€™ve been in both those battles for extended periods of time & Iā€™ve covered their aftermath.

It is true that both the battles of Mosul and Falluja involved:
An intense bombing campaign (ie blow it to pieces)
Warn civilians to leave .
Go in on the ground.

Here are key differences.

  1. ISIS was in Mosul for 3 years. Hamas has been in Gaza for 30+. What Hamas has under Gaza makes what ISIS had under Mosul look like a little mouse maze.

  2. In Falluja civilians were able to flee & many of them did in the lead up to the battle. It was very much a ton of bombs, artillery & whatever the US had at its disposal, street to street soldierā€™s vs armed militant when US ground forces went in. Civilian death toll : 500-800.

(2) In Mosul civilians were unable to flee. ISIS was literally holding them at gunpoint. Mosulā€™s civilian death toll was between 9-11,000.

(2)Hamas is not holding civilians at gunpoint in Gaza. They are trying to flee to the south, to follow Israelā€™s evacuation directive, but the south is also being bombed. There is no ā€œsafeā€ space. As I write this the civilian death toll in Gaza is 7000+

  1. Neither Mosul nor Falluja was put under the sort of siege by a nation state like Gaza. There was no deliberate cutting off of aid. We did not hear of Drs having to do amputations w/o anesthesia on kids. or children w/ 50% burns not being able to get basic pain killers.

  2. In the case of Mosul, when an area was bombed and/or ground forces went in, forcing the armed group out, civilians were able to flee to ā€œsafeā€ areas. Ie They were able to leave the battleground behind. In the case of Gaza, civilians cannot leave the battleground.

  3. In the case of both Falluja & Mosul there was a deliberate ā€œescapeā€ route for fighters to be able to flee. They were able to ā€œsquirtā€ out until they ended up in more manageable numbers, in terrain that was not as familiar to them. Not a Gaza option.

  4. Neither Falluja nor Mosul had the hostage dynamic. The 200+ hostages are feeling every single one of those bombs & Israel is at grave risk of killing its own. Its rather telling that the US is ā€œurgingā€ slow down to allow for negotiations & that Israel is moving ahead in Gaza

  5. Ideology. Falluja was against Al Qaeda in Iraq, Mosul was against ISIS (what AQ would eventually become). There are differences in the ā€œcoreā€ of what drove/drives that ideology and what Hamas emerged out of. Hamas emerged 30 years ago as a response to Israeli occupation.

(7) To ā€œeradicateā€ the ā€œideologyā€ of Hamas the occupation needs to end. Give Palestinians the dignity and right to live they have been asking for for more than 75 years and you will tear away at the core of what makes up groups like Hamas

At the end of the day, this will only bolster the ranks of Hamas and give them countless numbers willing to give their lives for the fight. Cue waves of suicide bombers when the waters calm.

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