A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

A land grab.Surprise surprise.

Strange how Israel hasn’t said much about the incident in Dagestan in Russia last night? You’d think they’d be all over that sort of thing as an example of the extreme hatred that exists towards Jews in the world and in this case they’d be right to be all over it. Israeli citizens were involved as it was a flight from Tel Aviv.

But they’ve issued only a very short and tepid statement. Is it because Netanyahu is a buddy of Putin?


The bastard!

Madness. Its a really fucked up world that anyone calling for a ceasefire is deemed a bad guy.

Andy McDonald has had the Labour whip removed from him for the following words.


Are there any reports of any IDF casualties in the invasion?

Israel’s Minister for Education has just claimed on Newsnight that “Hamas have shown they’re worse than ISIS, worse than the Nazis.”

This is nuts. Could you imagine how Israel would have reacted had the Palestinians had claimed that the Lebanese Christian militias that murdered thousands of civilians at Sabra and Shatila were worse than the Nazis.

This is genocidal insanity.

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True enough.


False equivelance is a real thing

Leftist loons who have called everyone who disagrees with them on any subject a Nazi now outraged that Jews call people who actually slaughter them “Nazis”.

We are expected to believe that Islamist Jihadists who openly call for the death of all Jews are not Nazis, but those who disagree about gender pronouns are Nazis.

The left is morally bankrupt and bereft of critical thinking skills.

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Israel’s official position now seems to be that Hamas are worse than the Nazis. Yet Netanyahu and Israel’s hardliners have constantly fomented them, boosted them and called for Hamas to be funded.

Are they now saying they themselves are collaborators with people who are worse than the Nazis?

They have lost the plot big time. Their propaganda game is falling apart.

But a propaganda game falling apart doesn’t prevent a genocide.

You’re openly defending Holocaust denial and I’m not remotely trolling. That’s what you’re doing.

You live in a country that used to be america. The natives were beat in to subjucation by rape, murder and torture. They gave them alcohol, reservations and a pat on the head. Europe has spread like a plague around the world and destroyed indiginous peoples. They can’t conquer the east. If you think there won’t be a reckoning, you’re a fucking idiot.

Julius Caesar wiped out half the population of what is now western europe…rape, torture, slavery etc, possibly the worst holocaust humanity has ever witnessed. The hopi and the comanchee were skinning and ating one another long before the Europeans ever arrived. It’s just what the species has always done to whoever they could do it to. If you don’t believe me then you should go and watch ardboe playing moortown some time


Barbarism is our nature. Except we replaced swords and arrows with cluster bombs and ranged weapons and toon the glory out of it

But we’ll be grand here in O’Ireland, right? Everyone thinks we’re sound :+1:

Yes, but what have the romans ever done for us?

I just told you

This Gaza diary from a man called Ziad is hard going, but compelling and essential reading.
We don’t know we’re born.