A new low for Israel. How low can they go?



They had no problem loading Jews on trains in WW2.

A very fair point

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Is it the same lads in charge is it ?

What a strange thing to say.

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No I’d say them lads are probably retired or dead now mate. I think what @TheUlteriorMotive was doing there was making a correlation between regiemes and how as a country they were happy to send Jews to the slaughter once upon a time.

Hope that helps pal.

Do you take everything at face value?

I’m thinking we might have a mossad agent or two on tfk

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A refugee camp on the strip blown to bits today. Reports of hundreds dead.

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Butchers if the IDF again
Israelis really don’t care a whit about world :earth_africa: opinion
Uncle Sam always have their back
I despise that country and majority of its inhabitants
Know it sounds bad
But fuck it tbe biggest shower of cunts on the planet

Halloween Derry

That explains the toy gun

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From the media reports hamas seem to be putting up absolutely no resistance?

Ahhh well it is daylight

Probably a lot disappeared already

Israel are only just starting to move into the populated areas.

Yemen has declared war on Israel

Didnt the saudis shoot down missiles fired from yemen towards Israel last week?

In reality its a proxy war for iran

Again yesterday. Cruise missiles no less!

An awful waste of resources. I’d say you wouldn’t have a hope of hitting Israel with a long range missile.

And with a massive famine in Yemen for years

Barbary rife