A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Unless of course they wanted to achieve a reaction…

You can’t even morally look down on Hamas anymore carrying on like that.

Innocent people been killed in this war again on both sides.The leadership on both sides should be in jail for war crimes against humanity.

The silence regarding a ceasefire is deafening though from your Bidens, Sunaks, EU etc.

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The yanks could shut it down tomorrow if it suited them.

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With Biden , I’m not sure.

It doesnt suit them especially since the counter offensive in Ukraine has proved a desperate defeat and really a joke on them.

They have absolutely no will politically or otherwise to tell Israel to stop.

They’re despicable cunts.


There’s a lot of controversy about this fella, that he’s a grifter of some sort, @Cheasty probably has the lowdown on him?

If it serves as a distraction from Ukraine they’ll happily let it go ahead. A simpke calculation really.


He should have raped a junior aide whilst snorting coke off a swastika with a tangerine up his ass. They’d have opened an inquiry in 2026 and suspended the whip for three days.


I dont think there is anything wrong with that

You don’t think there’s anything wrong with forced displacement of people from the their lands and homes?

Not the displacement part but Egypt taking in refugees. Np doubt what Israel is doing is utterly horrific but Egypt gets off lightly with issues and support for the Palestine cause

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Genuine question. Why do you feel Egypt are more beholden than anyone else?
My impression of Egypt is that it’s fairly authoritarian, but the population are easy enough with that. I suspect the government have the support of the population in not opening the border rightly or wrongly.
One could argue that if they do, it’s the end of Gaza. The inhabitants will be cleansed.

The Palestinians have been a useful thorn in the side of the Israelis, from an Egyptian point of view

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IDF say different

It’s a lush mash of fuck ups and convenience
All about Mula and uncle Sam’s reliance on Israel’s geo location,
Poor innocent ppl in tbe middle

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The same lads who believe Ireland has a moral responsibility to take in refugees from a war 3000 km away also believe Arab countries have no obligation to take in refugees from a war on their doorstep. It’s fascinating to watch.


"More than 2 million registered Palestine refugees live in Jordan.

As of January 2015, there were 452,669 registered refugees in Lebanon.[55]

Syria had 528,616 registered Palestinian refugees in January 2015.

An estimated 240,000 Palestinians are living in Saudi Arabia.
