A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

World war 3 seems inevitable

Weā€™ll be lucky to see Christmas


Ah man I swear to Jesus I just said that to myself reading This on Twitter:


Iā€™ve already starting making plans.

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Youā€™d want your head examined to be going to a Christmas Market in Europe over the next 8 weeks.


Makes perfect sense, fight another proxy war against US allies, use propaganda to make those allies look like nazis. They have allies who want isreal off the map in Syria and Iran, who also have a deep hatred of the US.

Putin has failed to engage Nato in Ukraine but this might be his in as the US will back up isreal in a woder conflict.

You might be the man to know, there is a lot of Jewish Russians, how many would be close to Putin? Roman abromovic got an isreali passport and citizenship to try avoid sanctions a few years ago, is there more than him?

Ffs. Failed to engage nato in ukraine? Heā€™s avoided escalating in ukraine despite cluster ammo, uranium and the bombing of civilians. Between 10 and 20% of israelis are of russian descent, many of them speak russian as a first language.
Apart from the Americans the turks are the lynchpins here. If they pick a side itā€™ll be with the Palestinians. Where will that leave nato?
Bear in mind that the woke crew here have screamed genocide and nazi at anyone and everyone. Now that grandpa joe is on the same ā€œteamā€ as Netanyahuā€¦silence. A bunch of liars and frauds.

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They have and it is.

Ah stop. You canā€™t really believe Putin is deliberately holding something back that he could use to win in Ukraine. Bar nuclear he has no cards left. If he could pull a lever that would win a war heā€™d have pulled it.

Heā€™s starting a war in Israel to distract. Heā€™s doing his level best to start one in Serbia.

He might succeed in that, but itā€™s clearly because he canā€™t win the war in Ukraine.

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The US goal is to weaken Russia, Russiaā€™s goal is to weaken the US.
Xi is waiting in the long grass.

Itā€™ll be interesting to hear whatā€™s said here.

Hezbollah are a different gravy to the Junior B lads in Hamas. We might see a bit of senior hurling soon.

2pm Irish time (i think).

Significant Preparations have been ongoing throughout today and tonight for the Live Speech tomorrow at 3pm by Hezbollah Secretary-General and Leader, Hassan Nasrallah who is set to Speak about the War in Israel and the Invasion of the Gaza Strip. pic.twitter.com/ETMG6NJamP

ā€” OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) November 2, 2023

Iā€™d agree with that. You could even argue the US wonā€™t give Ukraine the weapons as it suits them for it to drag and maximise strain on Russia.

Russia is hardly destroying itself to prolong a war it needs to win asap though as the tinfoiler claims

That OSINTDefender Twitter profile posts some amount of unverified shite. Stop posting it here.

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You should read back over your posts on this thread, if you want to see what a tinfoiler looks like. Putin re-establishing the soviet union, superior Ukrainian armies, glorious counter offensives. Itā€™s all been quite silly really. And now you have putin starting wars in Israel, youā€™ll have him fixing the limerick county final next.

And this business about a ā€œwinā€ for putin. What do you think that even means? Is it making some or all of Ukraine part of russia, or not party to nato, or ā€˜denazifiedā€™ , or would it be something more like the terms agreed in april '22?


Did you write that yourself?


The Russians are winning, Ukraine another massive Cluster fuck by America after all their shite talk, modern tanks and weapons have done fuckall

When the Ukrainians see the aid America are sending Israel it could drive them demented. I wouldnā€™t rule out a big bomb being dropped in Moscow now or something.

Iā€™ve put Paris, London and Brussels as three no go areas for the foreseeable.

Itā€™s a fairly dull stalemate in recent months. Both sides very much lacking anything in the way of guile or creativity. Russia have a larger squad but not a lot of quality. All the talk of Ukraine benefitting from foreign investment has yet to translate to major wins in battle.