A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Dalkey residents feel like ‘Palestinians trapped in Gaza’ due to traffic management, local driver tells meeting

Most people present immediately registered their disapproval at the remark

A view of Dalkey Island from Coliemore Harbour in Dalkey. Photo: Getty Images

Fionnán Sheahan

Today at 12:32

Residents of Dalkey feel like “Palestinians trapped in Gaza” because they can’t drive anywhere, a local from the affluent Dublin suburb has claimed.

The coastal village is one of the most upmarket parts of the southside of the capital, with millionaire inhabitants including Bono, The Edge, Neil Jordan and Enya.

The salubrious district is not a strip of land under siege from land, air and sea. Nor is it under continual bombardment from missiles.

But the proliferation of pedestrianisation, cycle lanes and closure of road access is causing consternation locally.

A heated debate ensued at a meeting on plans to advance a scheme to make the area around Dun Laoghaire town better for walkers and cyclists, to the detriment of motorists.

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There was standing room only at a packed meeting about the Living Streets Initiative at the Eblana Club in Dun Laoghaire.

Several people at the meeting referenced the unpopular utterance of an unnamed local man, who said “residents of the town feel like the Palestinians trapped in Gaza as we can’t drive our cars".

The comment was made by a well-dressed man in his 50s, who was booed and shouted down by others present.

He was complaining about traffic restrictions introduced in the area in recent years.

The room booed at him and people told him it was completely wrong

Another local resident, Sarah Hynes, was In strong disagreement with the man. She responded to him by saying: "No, Dalkey residents are not like Gaza. They are nothing like Gaza residents. No they are not.”

Another local at the meeting, Darragh Cassidy, said the man’s view was “the most ridiculous comment of the evening”.

Fine Gael councillor Lorraine Hall said everyone else present at the meeting made it clear nobody agreed with his view. She said he lost the room the minute he made the comparison and people were appalled.

"This comment was completely inappropriate and totally out of order. The room booed at him and people told him it was completely wrong. He didn’t get to continue his comments,” she said.

Under the plan, the local council want to pedestrianise part of one of the main streets going through Dun Laoghaire and restrict access from a road coming from the adjoining suburb of Dalkey.

The move will incentivise walking and cycling and stop traffic coming through. The number of car-parking spots in the area will also be reduced.

Dalkey is well served by public transport, with a Dart station in the middle of the village and Dublin Bus routes.

I’d avoid any European city with large Muslim populations for the next while, I expect London and the likes of Paris to get hit hard in the next few weeks

The figures don’t stack up for the Ukraine, Vlad can sit back and shovel in binman and farm laborers untill the Ukraine has run out of bodies to fight them. I saw a video on some lad called Jackson Hinkles twitter account, they have totally rebuilt Mariupol with modern buildings, sure what is wrong with that, proper schools, hospitals and apartments

That bed beg thing that was supposed to destroy England and France a few weeks ago, I heard that was Russian online disinformation campaign aimed at destabilizing the west

I think they’ll probably take avdiivka, odessa and kharkiv, either through force or negotiations, and then call it a day…they’ll take serious casualties if they go for the latter two- but they’re building up a massive force just to turn and head for home.

The Yanks will be pulling Zelensky out of it like they did in Saigon, be great to see the corrupt little bastard jumping into a chopper legging it from the middle of Kiev

The minds of the American public are already being retuned. Zelensky will eventually be seen as a corrupt multimillionaire who rejected favorable terms and casually opted for the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of his own countrymen…under instruction from biden and Johnson. He’ll do well to survive.

The fact he refuses to wear a suit like a proper dignitary is also off putting

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I’m sure his pr people advised otherwise

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Diversity is our strength, multiculturalism works, etc, insert glib leftie headbanger reality denying lie here

We’ve no choice but to make it work nowadays.


It seems ze Germans are over compensating lead predictably by Ursala Von Der Leyen and now German ambassador to Ireland. They cant honestly believe or feel what they are pronouncing. Can they…
Did the holocaust induce that much national shame that they would deny another one right in front of their eyes? In any case the Germans would probably go down and make a cup of Schwartztee for a jewish man if he found him in bed with his wife lest they be called an anti semite.

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That’s pretty much all of them.

Galway is safe enough

True enough you’d hope.




They did kill 6 million Jews in fairness


Over the years, I’ve known quite a few German people through work and private life. However, I’ve never mustered the courage yet to ask any of them about their family history, specifically regarding whether their father or grandfathers was in the SS and how many people they killed when ye tried to take over the world.

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